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Seokjin POV

"You have an easy job today, Seokjin." The director of the move says. "You're basically just pushing people against lockers, and acting like you're going to kiss them. Scene 5. This is just auditions for the main character's future significant other."

I shrug, and walk onto the set. I'm the main character of an LGBTQ+ romance movie. In one of the scenes, I'm supposed to push my future lover against a locker, and act like I'm going to kiss him.

The first person steps forward. "Action!" The director shouts. I gently shove the male up against the locker. He groans, and flinches.

"Clearly didn't read the script. Wasn't s hard shove, yet he groaned and flinched anyway. Too weak." I say. "Next."

I repeat this action for almost four hours. Finally, the last person steps up. "You're our only hope, kid. Don't fuck this up." The director sighs.

The final male hesitantly walks over to me. "Action!" The director shouts. I shove the boy against the locker. He gasps, his eyes widened in fake shock. Just like the script says.

"Tell me, [character name]. Are these rumors about you true?" I ask, looking at the male seductively.

"W-What rumors?" He asks. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Do not lie to me." I growl. "Be honest. Do you have feelings for me?"

"M-Maybe I do."

"CUT! That was amazing, kid! You've got the job!" The director exclaims. "Seokjin, thank you for your help."

"Welcome to the cast." I smile. "Kim Seokjin."

"I know. I-I mean, I'm Kim Namjoon." He bows. "Nice to meet you."

"You look like you have a few questions. Ask away." I say.

"They aren't questions." He laughs nervously. "I just...can't believe that I'm working with one of my idols. I've admired you for years."

"Ah, you're a fan." I chuckle. "I'm glad to be working with you."

*7 Months Later*

We finished filming the movie about 2 months ago. Today, the cast gets to watch a bunch of people react to the film. Namjoon and I have formed a bond with each other. We're pretty much inseparable.

"This is my favorite part of the movie!" A 5 year old girl exclaims. "When the two boys get married! They really love each other lots and lots!"

"I really like the locker scene. You can see the instant connection they had, when they looked into each other's eyes." An older woman says.

"See, I'm not gay at all. But I love movies like this. Either these two are really good at acting, or they're really in love with each other." A man says. "I 10/10 recommend this movie to everyone."

I look over at Namjoon, and smile. "I guess they really like us." I chuckle.

"Y-Yeah. I guess they do." He frowns. "So...what happens now? The movie is out, and we've completely finished filming."

"Back to square one. Your manager will book auditions, and you'll apply for them." I shrug. "Repetitive, but it pays well."

"Seokjin, we need to leave!" My manager shouts. I stand, and start to gather my things.

"I'll see you around, Joon. Text or call me soon!" I smile sadly. I'm going to miss him. 

"Hyung, wait!" He exclaims. He jumps out of his chair, and kisses me. My eyes widen in shock. "S-Sorry. I just....had to do that before it was too late. I love you, Seokjin."

"You're adorable." I chuckle. "I love you too."

I wrap my arms around his waist, and kiss him again.

*2 Years Later*

"Can I please go with you?" My husband asks.

"No, baby. You wouldn't like this scene." I say.

"Which one? Kissing scene, or something explicit?" He frowns.

"Both." I sigh. His pout deepens. "Aww, baby don't be sad. You know we don't actually do anything explicit. And the kissing scenes have no feelings attached. I belong to you, and you belong to me. We made that deal/promise a year ago."

"Okay...." He sighs. "I love you, hyung."

"And I love you, doll."

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