Chapter 1

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*This is a fanfiction; all parts relating to or from the Harry Potter Series belong to J.K Rowling. I did create the female lead and her story along with her adventures with the Potions Master and a few side characters. This work is non-profit. Please do not lift passages from this book.

**At times, you, as the reader, may come across something triggering, especially about the OC past. I will make a note when that situation is discussed more instead of alluded.

Severus's black cape billowed behind him as he walked along the cobblestone road of Diagon Alley. He glared back at anyone who looked at him the wrong way, the Wizarding War had been over for four years, and yet they still looked at him as if he was a monster. Maybe he was, but at least he had his potions and books to keep him company, as always. He stopped in front of Flourish and Blotts and eyed the building before entering. He had this odd feeling about it today, like something was going to happen. He reflexively reached for his left forearm and shook his head. That time was over; the Dark Lord was dead. His heart sank a little, remembering that the same night Voldemort died was the night that he lost her...for good.

Once inside, Snape browsed the books, listening to the chatter of first years gathering their books early. "A little too early. Insufferable know-it-alls." He muttered to himself since it was only the start of July. They must have received their letters at the beginning of the previous year. He smirked at the thought of scaring them when they entered his potions class. Of course, if they were Slytherin, he would favor them as he was the head of the house. A sly grin appeared on his lips as he walked away from them into a section off to the side.

The doorway was small as was the room. Here were the books about Potions and ingredients and some of the Dark Arts that they felt acceptable for students to have access too. Nothing too serious, mostly defensive spells and what they defend against; if you wanted something even worse, you had to go to Knockturn Alley. Severus did not make it far into the room before noticing a white flower flashing by the window. He watched in amazement as the person would make the bloom disappear and reappear in front of his eyes. After the third time, he finally saw what it was...a lily. His heart sank again, and he was about to turn away from the room and leave when a silvery voice came from the figure at the window.

"Is there something on my face? You are staring awfully hard." Snape froze in place as he watched a young woman turn to face him, her eyebrow arched in a fashion that reminded him of Minerva. Her chestnut-colored eyes stared into his own black eyes.

Severus found himself at a loss of words; he eyed the stone in her hand. Her eyes followed his gaze, "Oh, this?" she held it up, "It is just a simple charm, do not worry, I did not pick a flower if that is what you are concerned about."

Severus shook his head, "Is it only a lily that you can change it too?"

She laughed, and his heart skipped. He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering why that was happening. "No, I can change it to whatever I desire. My mother charmed it for me when I was younger. She was a herbologist and got tired of me picking her flowers."

"I see." His eyes followed her as she sat down in the armchair next to the window. She continued to stare back at him, as well. A small smirk played at the corner of her lips. "Is there anything I can help you find?" She waved a hand around, an open books floated over to her. "I do not work here, but I spend a lot of time in here."

Once again, Snape shook his head. His eyebrows furrowed again as he watched her look back at the book floating in front of her. Her finger twitched slightly, and the page turned. "Wandless magic?"

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