Chapter 40

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Amilia hummed to herself as she packed her bags; her books were in the trunk along with all the precious items she acquired over the years; all that remained were her clothes. Freshly washed and folded, they sat on the edge of the bed as she stuffed them in the bag, she felt the little knots in her stomach tightening.

"My love, slow down. Leave some clothes here." Severus appeared from the hall; he had his robes draped neatly over his arm.

"I want to make sure I have everything packed; I want to make sure that I am prepared." She repeated this to herself two extra times under her breath. Everything had to be perfect.

"Amilia, if you forget anything can always come back for it on the weekend. The term starting does not mean we abandon our homes. At least for me, it does not."

"Minerva lives at the castle, all year." She turned to face him, "I just assumed that everyone did, well, until you explained otherwise last year."

The corner of his mouth twitched upwards, "Are you nervous? Is that what all of this is about?" Amilia's eyes darted away from his as he stepped closer to her. "Today is just the faculty meeting. We will discuss the goals for our classrooms and houses, we will inform of any changes to the Quidditch teams and Prefects. Then, once that is all over, we will be able to return to our offices and classrooms for final touches."

Sighing, Amilia placed her hands on his chest, "I just want to make sure that everything is perfect."

"If I may...part some advice as a professor," Severus cupped her chin, "nothing will go the way you plan. You need to adjust to it." Quickly he kissed her before stepping away. "Lesson plans will go awry, students will need extra time, and they will fail. If you place such expectations on yourself, you will get burnt out during your first year."

"So, you are saying not to have high expectations for my students?" She plopped on the bed and watched as a pair of tights fluttered to the floor. You always assume students are going to fail your class. You are so cruel to them sometimes.

"I am not saying that at all. I am saying not to put too much pressure on yourself and do not take things personally." He busied himself with his trunk, packing his usual black wardrobe. He was meticulous about how they were folded; the sleeves had to be tucked inside the fold to not bunch or crease during travel. His trousers were folded over three times, and his socks were in neat little balls.

Amilia watched, memorizing each crease and fold that he made. "Do we stay there at the castle tonight?" He nodded. "Would you like to stay in my chambers then?"

Severus lifted his gaze from his clothing; he noticed that she looked weighed down by the stress that he knew all too well. He had the same look on his face when beginning his first year not too long ago. "If you would like." He spoke softly, and she nodded quickly. "We will have to have supper in the Great Hall, though; there will be a mock sorting."

Amilia snorted, "I did not realize that the Sorting Ceremony needed to be practiced."

"It is more of a matter of making sure that the list is correct. Minerva will not read the list aloud until tomorrow night."

"I see." She stood and chewed a fingernail, emerald green this time. She had taken the time the day before to attend to her guilty pleasure, something that she would be able to participate in to more often now that she was a professor. Severus watched her intently as she pondered over the events that would occur in the next few days.

"Do not hesitate to ask for advice, nor should you be afraid to be firm with those who were just your close peers in the last year." Severus sat next to her, "You are the one with all the authority now. They must listen to you."

Yours, SS [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now