Chapter 34

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"Thank you so much!" Amilia threw herself at Severus as they stepped out of his fireplace.

"For what?"

"I was so bored!" she wailed.

Severus chuckled and folded his arms around her body. It felt good to be the hero, even it was just because she was bored. "I do have another gift for you."

Amilia's head snapped up, her eyebrow arched, "Is that so?" she purred. Her hands slid up his chest, carefully working the buttons on his jacket loose.

He grinned sheepishly. "Yes, but it is not that." Amilia cocked her head at him, curious. "Close your eyes." She did. He covered her eyes with his hand and slowly turned her around so that her back was against him. He gazed at her; this was not something she would have easily done at the beginning of their relationship. He ran his hand up her body and roughly grabbed at her breast before breathing in her ear. "That will be for later. Though I love listening to the sounds of your moans and cries of pleasure, there is another sound that you produce that I had enjoyed just as much."

Amilia giggled and squirmed, "What is it?"

He placed a kiss against her cheek before uncovering her eyes.

Amilia gasped at the sight on the piano sitting in front of the picture window. It was not as grand as the one the Malfoys had, but it was beautiful in its own way. The honey-colored wood glistened in the firelight, "Oh..." Amilia sighed as she ran her hands over the lid that covered the keys.

"They called it a studio piano. They said it was best in sound quality that was comparable to a grand piano."

Amilia nodded, "They were right." She spun around, "Oh Severus, You did not have to do this."

"I wanted to." He crossed the room and took her in his arms, gently placing his lips against hers. "I even had a bench made for you. I took the leftover fabric from the chairs..."

Amilia grabbed his face and pulled it down to her. Her lips forceful against his. "This is the best gift I have ever received."

Severus chuckled, "Is that so?"

Amilia looked up at him through her eyelashes, "Yes." She gripped the top of his trousers. "Let me congratulate you on a successful school year." She purred. Severus growled and picked her up, devouring her neck as he set her on the sofa.

The two laid on the floor in front of the fireplace, their clothes strewn about the room. "Did you really enjoy our day at the Museum?" he asked.

She propped herself up on her elbow, "Of course I did, I know you didn't care for all the kids running amuck, but I loved the exhibits."

"Good." He pushed some hair out of her face, "We will have to go again sometime."

"Maybe the zoo too."

"I do want to get some work done on the house!" he admonished.

"Well, then, how about tomorrow we go to Gringotts, and I can collect some of my items, and we have lunch out on the town to kick off the start of the summer." Amilia mused.

"I like that idea." He kissed her softly, "I do think...I may have gotten something in your hair."

Amilia's hand shot up to her hair, "Oh, ew!" she looked at the gunk in her strands of hair.

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