Chapter 50

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Good morning. I hope you slept well. I apologize for not staying up until you were done bathing; I was somewhat exhausted. I will make it up to you later.

I also apologize for not being here when you woke up; I have some things that need to be taken care of before the Christmas holiday. End of semester tests and all. You should probably start preparing for that as well; as usual, I am more than happy to help you if you need my assistance.

If I am not in my office or storerooms, I will most likely be walking the grounds. I left some toast and butter for you on top of the mantle. Have a good day, my love.

Always yours, SS

Amilia scowled and placed the parchment on the bed. She had slept terribly. She had nightmares of chasing after Severus. He was running away from her, chasing some figure that she could not make out. He would turn and face her at times; his face was of pure anguish as he looked back and forth between her and this other thing. Ultimately he would turn his back on her and chase after the figure. Other times they were in the Malfoy's Manor, Death Eaters surrounding them, her mark burning and commands being shouted. A crying woman could be heard somewhere behind Amilia and a man screaming. She could hear her heart beating in her ears. She would run and run from the Death Eaters, and Severus would look at her again with that face, his brows pulled together, and his lips tight as he debated his options. Each time he would fall in line with the others and hunt her down.

Amilia shook her head, attempting to clear the terrifying images that lurked behind her eyelids. Severus said he said he would not go back unless he had to. She dressed warmly, the frost on the window indicated that snow would be blowing in soon. Would he ask me to join him if he did? Would he have to hunt me down if I refused? Amilia tore the toast as she buttered it, angrily she set it down and stormed out of his office to the kitchens. She did not hear a single clatter of vials or boxes as she passed the storerooms. Why did he have to go outside today? She glowered at the glittering lawn as she ate her apple in the main corridor of the castle. Who was he chasing after?

"Dreams are often most troubling, my dear."

Amilia tore her eyes off the frosty view in front of her to look at the eccentric divination teacher. "How did you know?"

Trelawney just smiled at her and held out her hand, beckoning for Amilia's. She gently stroked the long manicured fingers and turned Amilia's hand over, palm up. "I do not need to see this to know you have suffered immensely." Trelawney clicked her tongue, "But your heartache is not yet over. However, you will have love, and it will be a great and fiery love."

"Professor, Severus and I..."

"The fire in your skin at each touch? Yes, I know, my dear." She warmly smiled at Amilia and patted her hand twice before walking away.

Amilia stared at the woman; she is absolutely nuts.

Severus watched from afar as his fiance and the Divination Professor talked in the main corridor. A low hiss escaped his lips as he watched Amilia place her hand in the other women's hand and look confused. He dared not pry for Amilia's mind was always private; he wanted her to open up to him on her own. However, Sybill, on the other hand, he closed his eyes and felt the door unlock for him. Poor, poor dear. Such sorrow, such anger. I certainly hope that she can handle the heartache to come.

Yours, SS [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now