Chapter 10

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Several weeks had passed, and the school grounds began to don their autumn colors. Students buzzed about the upcoming holiday. Amilia anxiously waited for Dumbledore's morning address, hearing that he had something 'fun' to announce. She chanced a glance at her favorite black-haired man, who, in turn, was staring at her. Though she had noticed his expression was less desire and more angst and grief.

Dumbledore stood and raised a single hand, silencing the four houses, "This Thursday is Halloween. I understand that some students are excited for the festivities to begin. I must ask that you keep the ultimate Fanged Frisbee contest outside. Should I hear that a goal was made to be any spot in the castle interior, I will end the games from henceforth, and administer detentions for all participating." Several students exchanged nervous glances, "Furthermore, I have decided to host a masquerade ball for sixth and seventh years." A groan and protest erupted from the lower years.

Dumbledore allowed the noise to continue for a moment before raising his hand again, "But the Prefects, and subsequent Head Boy and Girl, will arrange a party for their houses to be held in their respective common rooms. This, of course, will be overseen by the fifth-year Prefects, to insure that no...hoodwinks and high jinks shall occur." The old man sat down again, grinning from ear to ear, Amilia turned her gaze quickly to Severus, who struggled to keep his composure.

The rest of the day was buzzing with students planning and talking about what to do. After classes, a meeting was held in the common room with the Prefects. "I think bobbing for apples would be a good idea."

"Of course, it is. Maybe we can set up a haunted house type deal, see if the Baron and the merfolk will get in on it. Our ceilings are tall enough; we can make it multilevel."

Amilia chimed in, "That would have to be approved by Snape, maybe as a backup, you can suggest using parts of the upper dormitories."

"Not a bad idea, 'Milia." Praised the fifth year Prefect, Finnick. "Are we gonna be able to get treats from Honeydukes?"

"Yes, I asked that." said Masters, "Give me a list, and I'll give it to Snape. Well, if that settles it, we all have homework to do." The others nodded and parted ways. "Amilia, what are you going to dress as for the ball?"

"A raven."

"Need any help?"

"Yes, if you could see if I can borrow feathers from Flitwick, that would be perfect. I am going to craft some wings or a shawl." Amilia smiled.

"You could actually make it a shrug with a clasp in the front. That way, it won't get caught on anything."

"Wonderful idea! Thank you, Masters." Amilia dashed downstairs to piece together the rest of her costume. She hoped that she might be able to sneak a dance with Severus.

The next day, she sat impatiently through her classes, and come potions, she noticed that she did not get admired by Severus as much. He took more and more points away from each class; one poor boy only dropped his quill. He did not even so much as look at her when they were dismissed; she wondered if he was having an off day.

Amilia rushed up to her dorm and magically got the feathers to attach to an old shoulder cloak that Minerva offered to her. Once they were settled, she took out her wand, "Colovaria." The feathers and fabric turned a midnight black with a slight sheen to them. Amilia smiled to herself and set it aside with the rest of her costume before heading down to Alchemy.

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