Chapter 53

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"Severus, what are you doing here?" Amilia asked again, her eyes darting about the corridor.

Breathing deeply and dropping his tone, "I was out for a walk. I did not mean to startle you."

Amilia rolled her eyes before observing his stance. He was tense, his eyes were still clouded with thoughts, and yet in the firelight of the torches, she could see a hint of adrenaline. He had drawn his wand on her; he had been ready to cast a curse to defend himself. She wondered how often he had these reactions when he was alone. How often he had to protect himself when he was in service to the Dark Lord.

"You looked very frightened. I am sorry." Severus stepped toward her, his fingertips gently brushing against her shoulder.

Amilia snorted and shifted her weight, "Not frightened, but startled. You did teach Anthony and me to be on guard, did you not?" She raised that eyebrow and smugly smiled at him.

Severus was taken back, "I suppose I did."

"Are you here because you think I cannot take care of myself while patroling?"

Severus growled, "I told you I was on a walk."

Amilia had crossed her arms over her chest by this point, "I believe you." She sighed, "Well, since you are here, would you like to accompany me on the last stretch of my patrol?"

"I would be honored."

Severus fell into step with Amilia; she walked briskly almost as if the adrenaline from their meeting was still coursing through her. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw her, bouncing as she stepped. Her nightrobe billowing behind her ever so slightly, she was wearing a long skirt and a button-down blouse. Her hair was coming out of its bun in little wisps that floated about her head. He smiled to himself softly; she had grown into the teaching profession wonderfully. Handing out detentions without a second thought, some students feared her; others admired her. He even caught little thoughts here and there about how much of an influence she had been on him. He was unsure what the students meant, but he was sure she would be happy to hear it.

"What is on your mind, Severus?" She asked.


"What about me?"

"You have grown so much as an educator."

Amilia paused and glanced up at him, "Thank you. That means a lot."

Before he realized what he was doing, his hand reached out, brushing a wisp of her hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. A sheepish grin spread across his lips as his fingers trailed fire across her jaw. He watched her nostrils flare as she breathed deeply, trying to suppress the sensation and desire that was beginning the race through her. "What is the matter, love?" He asked coyly.

She licked her lips, passively, "You know what the matter is."

"Do I?" He took one step closer to her, her chest brushing against him, and her breath quickened.

Amilia rolled her eyes at him, "Yes, you do. We cannot be doing this in a corridor. What would happen if we were caught?"

Severus chuckled as he leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear. "Considering a majority of the student population is gone and so are a good bit of the staff, we will be fine."

A shiver crept up her spine. His gravelly voice always caused her to shiver, especially when he spoke so softly in her ear. A sly grin slowly spreading across his face, his eyes heavily shadowed by his hair and he stood looming over her. She could feel heat flowing off of him, enveloping her in its warmth. She could not help but shift her weight constantly as she became aroused. He knew what he was doing, and she loved that, but at times she hated it too. The idea of nearly being caught excited her, like the random little tryst in the woods. She had taken a gamble on that, it was not a very secluded area, and anyone with the same idea could have come across them.

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