Chapter 57

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Amilia poured over the guest list. Classes had resumed, and Severus's birthday had passed. They had celebrated at a small eatery in the nearest Muggle town. They had decided to send out invitations in a few weeks, but that was a couple weeks ago, and Valentine's Day was soon approaching. Amilia grumbled as she stared at the scratched off names of Kylie's parents. Severus had not requested any aside from the Malfoy's, and even though they have their prejudice against Muggles and anyone, not pure-blood, she could not uninvite them.

Narcissa had looked after her after she was orphaned, and Lucius was campaigning to be on the school board. This topic had been a source of argument between her and Severus; If you are going to uninvite the others, then they need to as well. You cannot show favoritism. He had a point, but she could not bring herself to do it. So resigned herself to writing Narcissa a letter explaining what happened and why they needed to keep themselves in check.

Severus found her in her office, handing a scroll to Bubbles. "Did you do it?"

"No, and I am not going to argue about it further."

Severus scowled.

"Who is Evans, by the way?" Amilia asked casually. It had been a burning question for the past few weeks. Her back was still to him, but she could feel the tension in the air.

"An old friend." He said, cool.

"Oh. Okay," She turned to him, smiling, "let's go get dinner."

Severus grimaced for a second; it was a close one. He held out his arm for her and escorted her off to dinner.


Albus looked up at the young witch. "Yes, my dear?"

"We will be sending out the invitations soon. I wanted to ask, should we send some to the student body, or would you like to make an announcement?"

"Well, I think it would be best that you invite your own house. As for the rest of the student body, I will happily make an announcement. Just let me know when."

Amilia smiled before turning to Severus, "I presume we will wait until we hear back from those invited."

"I think that is very wise." He mumbled. She was stressing herself out over it, and by proxy, stressing him out. Constant questioning of how he wanted the lettering to look, the colors, the envelopes, it was driving him insane.

"If you do not want to be a part of this part, then just say so." Amilia gazed at him.

He turned bis black eyes to her; she saw the look he had on his face. "Do what you need. I have paperwork to tend to." Pushing his chair back, leaving the Great Hall.

Amilia's eyes followed him as he stalked down the center aisle; students heads turned and then craned to see her expression. She took in a deep breath as she picked up the goblet in front of her; she refused to let the students know that she was stressed. Even when she was teaching, she kept her composure; he, on the other hand, had snapped at several students, docked points, and handed out detentions mercilessly. She sighed. Is the stress just too much for him? Should we postpone?

Dumbledore cleared his throat, "I would not worry too much about Severus. Big events have always made him act this way, over time, it will end."

Amilia stared into those blue eyes of his, "Can you tell me who Evans is? I feel as if this person is also a reason for his sully attitude."

"Ahh, Evans, yes, brilliant student. They were childhood friends. Died so unexpectedly." The old wizard leaned back in his seat, "Let him tell you. I am sure he will soon."

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