Chapter 19

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The next morning Amilia woke up to Alice bouncing at the foot of her bed. "Wake up! Wake up. Wake up, star shine!"

"What do you want?" she grumbled, peeking at the girl with one eye. "And has anyone ever told you that you are far too cheery in the morning to be a Slytherin?" Amilia snorted at her own jeer. "Or even to be human?"

"All the time! I noticed you came to bed awfully late, Head Girl." She said singsong. "Were you with your beau?"

"As a matter of fact, yes and no, I do not want to talk about it." Amilia sat up and stretched.

"Okay, then. Give me a hint. What's he look like?" Alice titled her ear to the girl, still lying in bed.

Amilia rolled her eyes and tried to think of something that she could say that would not give anything away. "He has black hair." That should do it. She knew that there were a multitude of people who had dark brown to black hair.

"That's no help. Do you know how many people have that color hair?" Alice pouted, sticking out her lower lip. "No matter. I'll figure it out at some point." She giggled and bounded out of the room. Amilia rolled her eyes and crawled out of bed, getting dressed. She decided to take a walk of the grounds, shake off the dampness that could be felt throughout the castle after she snagged a bit of breakfast.

Amilia laid her cloak on the bench next to her as she grabbed some fruit and added creamer to her coffee. "Long night?" Masters sat there, eyeing her.

"Not at all. I feel quite relaxed." Amilia smirked.

"You and me both." Masters chuckled. The two lifted their cups to each other with a knowing look. "Still not going to tell us?" Amilia shook her head. "Well, can you at least tell me how your apprenticeship is going? When can I throw you a party for it?"

Amilia sighed, thinking back to a couple weeks ago when she had told her friends. They were more than happy to help her with her studies, Alice, especially when it came to reviewing Defense Against the Dark Arts. "So far, it is going well. I have two more weeks of studying with DADA."

"Well, remember, if you ever need any help, let me know."

"Of course, I will." Amilia shivered, feeling a pair of eyes bore into her skull. "Promise me, when you throw the party, that Clearwater is not invited."

Masters leaned a little to his left to look over her shoulder, "I heard that he waited around for you to show up yesterday, and don't worry, I promise."

"Yeah, well, I told him not to and that I did not want to go with him. He should have listened." Amilia tried to shrug off the uneasy feeling she had. "I am going to go for a walk since it is warmer than normal today. Care to join?"

Masters shook his head, "I have a paper to write for Herbology."

"Have fun with that." Amilia laughed and threw on her cloak and headed out the door.

Once outside, Amilia pulled the hood of her robes tighter. "Miss Hubbard." Two teachers chimed, one rather chipper and the other cold with a hint of humor that she would always pick up.

"Professors." She smiled at Minerva and Severus. "Out for a walk?"

"We could ask the same." Minerva arched her eyebrow.

"Fresh air sounded like a good idea. It is such a beautiful day, don't you think?" Minerva nodded. "It is a little odd to see the two of you walking around together." Amilia crossed her arms over her chest, giving them a chastising look.

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