Chapter 2

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Two weeks had passed, Amilia mused to herself, once again browsing the books in the store. She had not seen Severus since then and assumed that would be the last she will see of him. She had only a month and a half before her seventh year started, and she would probably see him then. He was perhaps in a different house than her. "But then again...I have not attended much class these past few years." She whispered to herself. Shrugging the dark memories away, she wandered into the Creature section of the store. At least she would not have to worry about this class again. Behind her, she heard a boy asking about a book of dragons. Practically begging to have it, his mother spoke softly that they could not afford it this trip. Amilia looked over her shoulder to see the sullen looks on their faces.

"Here," She walked over to them, "Let me get that for you." she held out her hand for the book.

The mother stared at her, wide-eyed, "You don't have to do that, dear!"

"I know. Consider it a gift." Amilia smiled at the woman before looking down at the red-haired boy, "Just think of me when you are a famous dragonologist." Amilia winked at the boy and walked over to the counter to pay for the book.

"Charlie, you better thank that young woman!" The mother chided.

"Thank you, miss!" Charlie hollered after her as he and his mother followed. Amilia turned around and handed him the book and waved the two away.

"That was awfully...kind of you." A gravelly voice stated near Amilia as she watched them leave the store

"I know. I do not mind." She looked up at the owner of the voice and was somewhat surprised to see Severus Snape standing close to her. In her relaxed posture, he towered over her, and she was rather tall.

"I was wondering if I could ask you a question." Snape inquired.

"About?" Amilia wandered around the store.

"How did you do that? I have looked through everything I can, and I cannot figure out how you..." Snape's words trailed off as he watched her walk into the room where they had met. Her auburn hair fell over the back of her shoulders again, and she carried her green cloak over her left arm.

"How I got the truth out of you?" Amilia looked over her shoulder at Snape, who continued to stare at her. He nodded his head. "I guess you will have to figure it out." She said slyly as she glanced over the books in the corner.

"Or you could just tell me." Snape murmured behind her. He lifted his chin in the same manner that he used to get the truth out of unreliable students. Amilia turned around to notice him standing right behind her, close enough she could easily see the loose threads in his black jacket. Her gaze followed the many buttons up to his face.

Laughter played in her eyes. Severus gazed at her, surprised to see that someone looking at him like he was someone worth getting to know and worth looking at, and not just some ugly monster and teacher. "Now, Severus," she gently placed a hand on his chest, "Why would I do that? Where is the fun in that?" a coy smile played across her lips. Severus noted that they were fuller on the bottom than the top. His heart skipped a beat as he glanced down at the hand on his chest.

" not know." He growled. Amilia blinked back and scrunched up her face. The extra gravel in his voice was unsettling to her.

She removed her hand from him and walked past him, "Well, when you figure that out. Come talk to me!" she waved a blasé hand as she did so. She turned to walk back out the door, Snape's eyes locked with her as she smirked.

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