Chapter 8

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Amilia wandered into the Great Hall for breakfast, fastening her pin. She threw a look over at the staff table; Severus sat there eating his food and appeared to be listening to the man sitting next to him. She sat down and began devouring the sausage in front of her. Some of the first years exclaimed as mail was being brought in. Amilia felt talons set upon her shoulder. She turned her head slightly to see the moonlike face of Bubbles. "Well, hello!" Amilia nuzzled the fowl, "What is this?" she pulled the paper from her beak. It was not addressed to anyone, nor did it say who it was from. Amilia quickly pulled off a piece of sausage and gave it to her bird. Feathers brushed against the top of her head as Bubbles took off.

Amilia quickly opened the paper, unsure of what it was going to be:


I hope you slept well. I did not. I cannot relieve myself of the scent of your shampoo. I was out of line last night; you set the pace. However, I would like to spend more time with you if we can find the time.

Yours, SS

Amilia smiled to herself and glanced over at the table; Severus was looking at her. When their eyes met, he looked away; that was all the confirmation that he needed. "Oy! Who's SS?" said the girl next to Amilia. Amilia looked up at the seventh year next to her, Alice Wonderly was her name.

"Does it matter, Alice?"

"Well, I am your friend!" Her laugh sounded like bells. "Is SS the guy you met over the holidays?" she waggled her eyebrows at Amilia.

"Yes, and that is all you will know!" she shoved Alice gently, sticking her tongue out. Amilia finished eating and tossed an apple in her bag for later before heading out for classes.

The day itself dragged on slowly, but Amilia relished in the time that she was able to take in the library after classes were over. Severus had taken twenty points from Gryffindor; she wondered if Minerva would have a fit over it. But then again, if someone burnt water...not the potion but actual water, she would take off points as well. He had to dismiss the class due to the smoke filling the room. Amilia still wondered how a seventh year burnt water...especially when it was not even required for the potion.

She sighed and settled in with a book, wanting to get ahead on her studies.

Severus wondered about Amilia; she had looked disgusted at the blithering idiot who managed to fill the classroom with smoke. He began to wonder if she really enjoyed his class, despite finding it rather dull. He walked over to Dumbledore's office, the giant statue stood in front of him, "Lemon drop." He muttered, the steps slowly appeared in front of him, and he allowed himself into the office.

The Headmaster was not there, which he was content with; he only wanted access to the student's records anyway. He found Amilia's file and glanced through her grades; she received outstanding in Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, and Charms. "No surprise there." He continued; she had exceeds expectations in Defense Against the Dark Arts but was unable to produce a Patronus. "That I can help her with if she chooses." She had acceptable grading in flying; there were notes about how many times she had ended up in the hospital wing after falling off her broom. Amilia also had an acceptable in apparition, enough of a pass to get her license, "Which is why she said her trajectory is off." Severus found himself laughing. He continued to scan her grades. She was currently enrolled in Ghoul Studies, Advanced Arithmancy, The Study of Ancient Runes, and Advanced Potions.

"Ah, Severus, I see that you are looking through student records. A troubling fifth year again?" Albus had walked into his office with Minerva trailing behind.

"No, I am looking at Miss Hubbard's records."

"Is something wrong, Severus?" Minerva asked.

"Not exactly. She appears to be rather bored in my class, hence the detention yesterday." Severus closed the file and replaced it.

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