Chapter 42

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Amilia took her seat next to Severus; he flashed her a quick smile before putting his usual stoic look on his face. She smiled back before frowning. She had hoped that he would show her that smile throughout most of the night. She faced the four rows of tables and watched the students filed in. Many were fixing their ties and slapping on their hats as they took their places on the benches. She glanced down at Minerva's seat; it was empty. As she had expected, but she was still very hopeful to see the witch smiling at her.

Warm hands were placed on her shoulders, "You look stunning, Professor Hubbard, we are so very proud of you." Amilia breathed in the peppermint and put a hand on the one resting on her shoulder. "Thank you very much, Poppy." those strong warm hands squeezed her shoulders gently before leaving.

Severus watched the short exchange between the school matron and its newest professor. He slid his hand over and intertwined his fingers with hers; she gripped them back tightly. He could feel the nervous tension ebbing from her. "You should put on your hat."

"My what?" She looked up at him.

"Your hat, the one that you were carrying this morning."

"Oh," she glanced down at the hat that was sitting in her lap, "I suppose I should." She placed both of her hands around the base and slowly picked it up, putting it on her head. She turned to look at Severus. He beamed at her. "There, now you look like Minerva."

Amilia raised her eyebrow at him and giggled, "Thank you, Severus." They gazed at each other momentarily as a hush fell across the hall. The doors opened, and the patter of hesitant feet could be heard. Severus and Amilia turned to watch the parade of first-years.

"There are not as many as there was last year." Someone further down the head table whispered.

Amilia perked up; she had sat there, remembering what it was like for her to be a first year. "Severus, what does she mean? That there were not as many as there were last year?"

Severus breathed deeply, "There were many who lost their lives...when their families protected them."

Amilia stared at him in horror, "Did you do any of that." She watched as he stiffened his shoulders. "Severus?"

"I...have done many things that I regret and many things that will forever haunt me." He said softly. "Look," he pointed at the trembling first years. "if you look closely, you will see that many of them...are Pure-bloods, maybe even some Half-bloods. I do not think that there are any Muggle-borns in this group."

Amilia studied the group; she recognized a few of them from her time as a Death Eater. Some she had met when her parents had parties, though they were much older now. "Why do you think that there are not any Muggle-borns?"

"Because he destroyed the Ministry records. Those who would be old enough to start school at Hogwarts may not receive their letter. It has been something that the Ministry has been working hard to resolve. I believe your friend works in that sector."

Amilia peered over at him, "Why do you believe that?"

Severus faced her, "Need I remind you of my gift?"

Amilia snorted, "No."

Once the first years were sorted, Dumbledore stood. He commanded the same silence as he did at the start of each year, Amilia marveled in it. She hoped to be maybe able to do that at some point in her career.

Dumbledore barely raised his hand in greeting, "Good evening students! This is a most wondrous start to the school year. With that in mind, I do have a few announcements." he paused, "Third-years, I understand that this is the year that you delight in going to Hogsmead, but there is a...slight change."

A murmur fell across the hall.

"You will be escorted to and from the Castle, the incident last spring has caused quite a stir, and until we are sure that there are no more surprises, escorts will occur."

Amilia watched as the older students rolled their eyes and the younger ones looked perplexed. She too was perplexed, how long will this have to go on for?

As usual, the food appeared once Dumbledore took his seat. Severus's goblet filled with wine. Amilia assumed hers had as well, so she took a tentative drink, surprised when it was only pumpkin juice.

"Once you are of proper age, there will be wine," Severus whispered to her.

She scowled for a moment before turning her attention to the students in front of her. She saw anxious first years chatting away with the others next to them. The seventh-years were looking smugly about, most likely bragging about how it will be their best year yet. Of course, the ones she had befriended trying to get her attention. She smiled at them briefly before looking away.

After the feast, Severus and Amilia approached Dumbledore. He smiled at them after they told him they wanted to take him up on his offer to have the wedding at Hogwarts. "That is fantastic news. Do let me know where and when!"

They waved him off and walked to the dungeons. "Amilia."


"May I stay...with you tonight?"

She peered up at him under the brim of her hat. "I would like that very much."

Severus gingerly took her hat off before stroking her cheek. He grinned at her sheepishly, "Now, Professor Hubbard, may I kiss you? Here, in this corridor?"

Amilia glanced at the space around them, "Yes."

He hummed to himself as he brushed her lips with his. Amilia sighed softly and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Severus pulled away, "Maybe we should take this inside." He muttered the word for his office and dragged her inside. There he planted another and another, each with increasing intensity.

Amilia pulled away, "Severus, I would love to have a banging start the new school year, but I am too anxious to do anything other than sleep."

"But you..."

"I was enjoying the moment, I am sorry, but with how long we tend to go...and with how little sleep I know I will be getting tonight..."

Severus sighed and adjusted the front of his trousers. He understood how she was feeling. He, too, was a nervous wreck the very first day he had stepped into a classroom full of students. "All right. I will be there shortly."

Amilia smiled meekly before entering her quarters. Quickly she undressed and bathed. The warm water was soothing her anxiety. "Please let tomorrow be a good day."

Severus wandered into Amilia's quarters, ger family dozed in the portrait, and the fireplace was cold. In her room, he found her dressed for the night. He placed his clothes on top of the dresser before climbing into her bed. The sheets were soft and smooth compared to his. He listened to her sigh, sleepily as she snuggled up to his chest. "You are going to do just fine, my dear." He whispered.

"I hope so. This is the first day of the rest of my life." She yawned.

Yes. Yes, it is Amilia. I hope that I do not do anything to ruin it. Severus thought as he closed his eyes. Red and green clashing with Auburn and Chesnut in his dreams.

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