Chapter 11

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Severus walked into the common room, his head pounding from his crying the night before and causing Amilia to curse him. Why did I say those things? He clenched his fists as he recalled how horrified she looked when he called her a slut and advanced on her. "Why did I do that?" he murmured.

Alice Wonderly emerged from the girls' dormitory. Snape called her over, "I am looking for Miss Hubbard, is she awake yet?"

"I'm sorry, sir, but she didn' return last night. I think she didn' feel well; she was looking rather strange."

"Thank you. You may go." He sucked in a breath and glanced at the watch in his pocket. He had no time to run around looking for her with classes starting so soon. He resigned himself to continue his search for her during lunch.

Upon reaching his podium in the classroom, starting the lecture for second-years, a little House-elf with large eyes appeared next to him. "Note from Madam Pomfrey." Severus took it and glared at the elf, who held out his hand. Growling, he took out a knut and dropped it in his hand. The elf disappeared with a small pop. "Continue reading the assigned passages." Severus spat at the students.

He opened the note wondering which idiot would miss class from gorging themselves on candy:


Miss Amilia Hubbard will be staying in the hospital wing for the remainder of the day, dealing with some unpleasantries. Please send all work to my desk in the main room. Her anticipated return to classes is Monday.

Poppy Pomfrey, Hogwarts Matron

Severus's brows knitted in a frown. Why was she in the hospital wing? Had she been hurt after she left his office? Or was she really sick? "At least I will not have to spend much time hunting her down." He sighed.

For Severus, the rest of the day drudged on. He walked into the hospital wing and spied Poppy, who was administering to a first-year. He did not see Amilia in the main room. "Poppy?"

Her head snapped up, her eyes crinkled into narrow slits. A look that Severus found very unappealing. She jerked a thumb at her office and continued to work on the student.

The door briskly opened, and Severus turned around to face an angry matron. "Is Amilia all right?" he asked.

"You stupid git!" Poppy tossed a towel at him.

His mouth gaped at her. "What?"

"You called her a slut!? Why?" Poppy spat, her anger and frustration ebbing off of her.

Amilia heard a commotion out in the office. She cracked the door open to see what the problem was. She saw Severus and Poppy staring at each other. "If looks could kill." She muttered to herself. This is something I have to see. She had seen Poppy's anger first hand one day while she sat in the hospital wing. Some stupid Gryffindor had come barreling in one day with his mate and tripped, hurting the poor boy even more and causing another student to fall off their cot. Amilia thought that the windows were going to shatter with how shrill Poppy's voice got as she yelled at them.

"I did not give you her medical records for you to do that!"

Severus composed himself, squaring his shoulders. "She was pregnant at fourteen! What else would the reason be?"

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