Chapter 23

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Amilia sat outside after classes watching the snow melt. In the weeks following the trial, the students had begun to let the rumors go and got back to their daily lives. A few still gave her dirty looks, but they would be graduating this year, and Amilia would not have to deal with them again.

"You going to Hogsmead today?" Masters and Aaron sat next to her.

"I have been thinking about it. It will be the last one before the Easter holiday break. I do not know what I am going to do with myself for two weeks." Amilia let her head fall back to look at the sky.

"Well, you can always come to my family's home." Masters offered.

"Thank you for the offer. I will think about it." Amilia smiled as she got up, "Let's go to Hogsmead. I am dying for a pumpkin fizz." She locked arms with the two boys, and they headed down the path.

"I'm going into Zonko's!" Aaron called ahead of the rest of the group.

Amilia pulled Masters towards Gladrags. "I want to see what they have for warmer weather."

"It will all be pastel colors. You sure you want to look?"

"You will be surprised by what I can find." Amilia chuckled. The bell above the door chimed as they walked in. To Amilia's dismay, Masters was right; the majority of it was pastels. "Help me find a good yellow."


Amilia leaned over, "His favorite color is yellow."

Masters eyes grew to the size of a cereal bowl, "No way!"

Amilia laughed, "Yes."

Masters mouth hung open, "I just cannot...imagine him in yellow."

"Not an Easter yellow, more like sunflower yellow." Amilia giggled as she walked towards the windows. She and Masters dug through the racks; he tossed her a lavender frock to try on. Amilia handed him two button-up shirts, one in a sapphire blue, and the other is a golden yellow and has a shine to it. "The blue is for you to try on."

Masters smiled at her and walked into the changing room and then came out again rather quickly. "I like it, but it is the wrong size. I'll find the right one. You try that on." he pointed at the frock in her hands. Amilia snorted and walked into the room he had just left. She changed into the dress, she looked into the mirrors and smiled. "I am coming out." She called.

She opened the door and stepped out; she saw Masters. He had an odd look on his face. "Do you not like it?"

"Oh, I like it."

"Then what is the face for?" she titled her head.

Masters jerked his head over his shoulder a little, Amilia followed the motion. Her eyes settled on a pale man, all clad in black. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks.

Severus eyed her; the lavender looked stunning against her skin and her hair. In the light, he saw flashes of red, and his heart stopped. Lily. He quickly shook his head, "You are not allowed to leave the store without that." He said as he looked over his shoulder to make sure no one else saw them talking like that.

"I appreciate the compliment." Amilia looked around quickly, "Is there a reason you are here?"

"I was looking for new socks. You two have a good day." Severus grinned and turned away.

Masters let out the breath he was holding. "I thought I was going to die when I saw him come around the corner."

"I highly doubt he is here for socks." Amilia mused, giving herself a twirl in front of the mirror. "Are there other colors?"

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