Chapter 5

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Amilia woke to the light touch of feathers on her chest. She blinked, "Good morning, Bubbles." She stroked the owls back before sitting up. She frowned slightly, noticing that Severus was gone but got up and dressed anyway. A gentle knock echoed through her door. "Come in."

Tom, the bartender, walked in with a tray of food, "Good morning Miss Hubbard. I brought you breakfast this morning, and to bid you farewell and a good seventh year. We all will surely miss you." he set the tray on the little table.

"Thank you, Tom. I appreciate this."

"Train leaves in one hour, would you like me to hail you a cab?"

"Yes, please." Tom left the room, closing the door behind him. Amilia walked over to the tray. There sat a banana and some toast and a glass of juice. She nibbled on the toast as she gazed about the room, she noticed a piece of parchment left on the table. She picked it up:

Good morning, that was the most restful and fantastic night I have ever experienced. I hope you are not in pain. Thank you. I will be looking for you in the Great Hall.

Yours, S.S

Amilia smiled and tucked it into her pants pocket. She walked over to Bubble's cage and opened it; the owl flew in there and settled herself. Amilia tossed a cloth over the top and ran to the bathroom to brush her hair and collect her remaining toiletries. After one last scan of the room, she took out her wand and flicked it, her trunk and bag floated just inches off the floor. She grabbed the banana and Bubbles cage and walked out the door down into the pub below. At the door, she removed the charm, and Tom helped her carry it out. He embraced her quickly as the cab driver loaded her trunk and bag into the boot of the car. Amilia climbed into the back and set Bubbles on the floorboard.

"Where to Miss?"

"King's Cross Station, please."

Severus found himself smiling during the final staff meeting before the student's arrival. Poppy popped up next to him, "I am sure I can guess why you are smiling, but you are terrifying the rest of the staff."

"Good." He said coolly, turning to look at her. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh, just curious as to why you are smiling? Will we meet this lovely young woman at some point?"

"I'm sure you will, though I do not see her today."

"What do you mean?"

"We have a new professor, correct?" Snape inquired.

"Well, yes." Poppy leaned forward, curious.

"Give it time, Poppy. I do not want to ruin this." Severus turned away from her.

Amilia settled in and closed her eyes when a knock came on the door. A young man in Slytherin robes stood there, "Amilia Hubbard?"


"Hi, I'm Anthony Masters, Head Boy of our house this year."

Amilia looked at him, blankly, "And?"

"I received this from the Headmaster today," He held out a pin, "Congratulations, Head Girl. Follow me to our private car." Amilia reached for the pin and followed Anthony.

Amilia hopped off the train and held the door open for the rest of the students. Hagrid stood nearby with his lantern, calling the first years to him. She smiled to herself, remembering the day that she had traveled across the Black Lake in the little boats. She looked forward to it at the end of this year. After the students cleared out of the station, she hopped in the last carriage, lazily running a hand over the hindquarters of the Thestral. The remaining Prefects looked at her strangely.

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