Chapter 18

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Amilia stood outside the door of McGonagall's classroom. She took a deep breath and walked in. "Minerva, I am here. Sorry if I am late."

"Not late at all. Come, sit. I have a young man struggling with the Avifors Spell. Can you tell me what that does?"

"Isn't that the spell that turns objects into birds?" Amilia scrunched up her face.

"Yes, it is." Minerva chirped. "Though I think that Mister Loriss's problem is a matter of confidence." She turned back to the boy, "Try again."

The boy looked down at the small spool sitting in front of him; he took out his wand and followed the formation and muttered the spell. "You should speak clearly." He nodded and tried several more times. His shoulders slumped, and he laid his wand back down. Minerva glanced over her shoulder at Amilia.

Amilia stood and knelt near the boy, "Hey. Speaking clearly does help, but you also have to feel it; magic is full of intent." She smiled at him. "How about thinking of someone who would love to see a little bird from you then try it again." she stepped back, remembering that was what had helped her with this spell.

The boy sucked in his bottom lip and tried again. It almost worked. He closed his eyes and smiled wide, then said the words one more time. This time the spool turned into a little blue bird and flitted about. "Good job. Both of you. You may go, Mister Loriss." The boy left the room, grinning ear to ear.

"Amilia, I do not think you will need to be here much this week. I know you won't have a problem, but of course, I am here for you to speak with if you need any assistance." Minerva gathered the papers off her desk.

"Won't the Headmaster know? He said I would need some reviewing."

"Well, now that is true." The green eyes were turned to her. "On Wednesday, you can come here and thumb through the old books, if there is something you feel you need to work on, we can do it then."

"All right. Thank you." Amilia smiled and walked out of the room to head to the Great Hall.

"Hey, Amilia!" Ritchie rounded the corner. Amilia groaned and sped up the pace. "Wait!" Screamed Ritchie. He ran passed Amilia and stopped short. He was standing as wide as he could to block her way.

"What do you want, Clearwater?"

"I wanted to see how you were doing the other night, but you were nowhere to be found."

"I am fine. Thank you. I have things to do. Please move." Amilia looked past him and tried to see a way through.

"Wait!" He held his hands out to keep her from moving. "Would you like to go to Hogsmead together this weekend?"

"No. I have much work to do."

"Oh. Well. Maybe another time." He stepped out of the way and allowed Amilia to leave. He looked after her and clutched his fists. Amilia did not even go to supper; she went straight to the dormitories. She did not want to be under Ritchie's gaze any longer.

Weeks had passed without hesitation. The brutal cold was finally giving way, and students could enjoy the outdoors much more despite more snowfall. Amilia and Severus avoided physical contact as much as possible, but small kisses were exchanged after Alchemy. Amilia was entering into her second week of Defense Against the Dark Arts apprenticing, and she was struggling a little with some of the work. The professor drilled hard the protective spells since that was something all witches and wizards should know. This week Amilia has had to review all the creatures covered in the classes, which Amilia found this to be rather tedious. Still, she knew it was necessary since often individuals meet these more often than they do a dark wizard.

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