Chapter 32

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The next morning Amilia received an owl at the post:


Last night was fun. I do hope you enjoy the plug because I did love seeing you get so excited while I inserted it and tasted you though we will have to do that again sometime, I suppose. I do look forward to our summer together. Though remembering last night did give me morning wood, that was very...difficult to take care of on my own.

Regarding your day away from the castle, how would you like to visit the Zoo or maybe the Museum?

I look forward to seeing your beautiful face Monday morning. I love you.

Yours, SS

Amilia quickly stashed the letter in the pocket of her robes and smiled to herself. It was going to be an interesting day.

Severus was sweeping the floor clear of the mud that the movers had tracked in when a tapping began on the window. He watched them stomp all over the house and had no care in the world about it either. He glared at the tapping noise until he realized a caramel-colored owl at the window blinking wildly in the bright sunlight. He opened it and took the letter in Bubbles beak. Eagerly he ripped open the envelope:


I just wanted to let you know that night was...intriguing, to say the least. It was a little challenging to take the plug out yesterday morning, but I managed. Though...I did reinsert it just before breakfast, and I must was thrilling to sit at the table and know that I had it in, and yet you were not here to see me squirm. I even kept it in when my friends and I went to Hogsmead and had lunch there. This was much more fun, and I felt more dignified than I did the day were you requested I not clean myself up after you came in me.

Afterward, I did take some time for myself in the Prefects Bathroom, having the privacy there was what I needed. I was able to play with myself and take care of the plug much easier than in the morning in my dorm restroom. I do want you to know that I enjoyed it when you took more control when I was sucking you off; it was nice to see that I can cause you to lose some of the restraint that you hold so dear to you. I cannot wait until we fuck with the plug in; I imagine that it will be the best sex that I ever had.

As for your question, I think that the Museum would be the best; with the warmer weather heading our way, many of the Muggle Schools will be taking students to the Zoo for the end of the year. So it may be a little crowded. We can do the Zoo over the summer sometime when we have more time to plan for it. Also, when will I find out what you ordered that needed you to be there for? The curiosity is killing me.

Just think we have a couple more weeks before the school year is over. Then I graduate from Hogwarts. Just a couple more weeks before we could bring our relationship out into the light for the world to see if that is what you choose. I know that is something that is up for further discussion.

Oh! Before I forget, I wanted to let you know that I decided on some items for my own office and quarters! I did choose the house colors to don my walls, of course, and there was a lovely bedpost that I was able to snag before anyone else. It has drawers underneath it to store clothes in; I thought that you would like to...maybe keep a few items in my room too. Like I have done for you. I am excited to see it this summer. Dumbledore says that my office, private rooms, and classroom should be ready for my final approval around the first of August. Would you like to see it too when the time comes?

Severus, I love you, with all of my heart.

Yours, AH

Severus leaned against the piano and glanced at the empty spaces on the shelves. "You are certainly a strange creature, my dear." He glanced around the sitting room, his heart feeling full. He dumped the dirt in the waste bin and threw his coat on before apparating to the city.

Monday morning arrived, and Amilia skipped up from the dungeons to the Great Hall for breakfast. Her friends were already there and smiled at her, "Someone is awfully cheerful this morning."

"Why wouldn't I be? The school year is almost over!"

"I thought it would be because your dear SS is back on castle grounds." Alice sneered at her playfully, "But yes...the looming graduation that is upon us in the upcoming weeks is definitely a reason to be happy. I, for one, am going to do some traveling this summer before I settle in with my job."

"And what pray tell will that be Miss Wonderly." The dark gravelly voice encroached on their conversation. "I know that Masters has an apprenticeship with Ollivander for wand making and that Miss Hubbard will be a professor. But you...I have not had the displeasure of writing a reference letter for."

"Displeasure?" Amilia and Masters blurted. Severus turned his cold eyes to them, and they could detect just a hint of laughter deep in the blackness. Amilia smirked and looked back at Alice, who was beaming with pride.

Severus cleared his throat, "Yes, displeasure. I loathe writing reference letters, even for the best students." The three of them glanced up at their Head of House; Amilia was also curious about what Alice intended to do after graduation. She looked at her friend expectantly. "I am actually going to be a Curse-breaker, sir. I had my interview a couple of weeks ago. They are just waiting on my scores from the N.E.W.T's."

Everyone looked at Alice, astonished. "A Curse-breaker. It suits you. Congratulations." Severus smiled down at her. "I look forward to reading about your success in the Prophet." He strolled away from the table; maybe this was the right career choice for a Slytherin; it would show the world that they too can do well for it.

"You never told me that!" Amilia jabbed her friend in the side.

"Yes, actually, I did. You were just so wrapped up in your apprenticeship that you forgot. That is why I offered to tutor you for DADA."

Amilia scowled at her pumpkin juice, racking her brain for a memory. "Things are still a little fuzzy from around that time of year. I am sorry. And congratulations. Do keep in touch, though."

Alice sighed, and Masters's eyes bored into Amilia's skull, "If you are having issues recalling information around that time, you may need to go to St. Mungo's."

Amilia shook her head, "They came and saw me before I was released for full class time. My brain is fine. They think it is more of the traumatic side, and that time will do it better than any magic will do. This happened last time too." She whispered the last sentence.

Alice and Masters exchanged nervous glances. "Does he know?"

Amilia nodded, "I made sure he knew. That way, he would be a little more sincere if I forgot something important that he told me around that time. Besides, this will help him change the way he approaches things." She glanced up at the head table. "I cannot wait to be away from here, even if it is just for a day. It will help wash away the stress."

"Two more weeks!" Alice squealed.

Yours, SS [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now