Chapter 25

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"Severus!" Poppy yelled. "You have to stop this nonsense. Argus can only fix the same window so many times before he has a fit!"

He apologized profusely as he laid Amilia on the bed. She pushed herself up into a reclined position. "I am fine. Really! You are making a fuss over nothing."

"Nothing! A werewolf attacked you!" he pointed at her left leg.

Poppy gasped and pulled back the strips of fabric that clung to her leg. "I was not bitten. It was just claws." Amilia quickly said. Poppy sighed a sigh of relief but still set about examining the wound.

"Did you use Dittany?"

Amilia nodded, "I told them just to pour it on."

"Well, they missed some spots. I'm going to reopen the wound and make sure there was nothing left in it. Please remove your pants. Severus repair them once they are off." Poppy turned away to get her wand.

Amilia hopped off the bed and unbuttoned her pants, sliding them down her legs carefully. Severus was at her side with his hands out, ready to catch her if she fell over. Amilia pushed them away as she sat back down and brought her leg up.

The slash marks were an angry red; she could still feel the heat in the three long marks that dragged on the side of her calf. She glared at it, "I hope to bloody hell that these do not scar."

"All depends on how deep they are." Poppy arrived from around the corner. "This may sting a bit." She waved her wand over Amilia's calf. The marks opened back up, and blood poured from them. Amilia hissed and reflexively grabbed Severus's arm. Poppy stopped the bleeding and cleaned up the wounds, picking out a few leafy bits and stones. "There. That should be all of it!" she pulled out some Dittany from the pouch on her apron. A few drops fell from the dropper.

Amilia sucked in a breath and dug her nails into Severus's arm. "Ughn, I hate this part." She hissed. Poppy glanced up at her, "Keep off your feet as much as possible. I am not applying a lot of Dittany to it; I want to see how well it heals on its own. You will have a scar; if all goes well, it will be a small scar. The wounds weren't too deep." Poppy turned to wash her hands, "You can go now. Oh, Severus, I will need some more Wound-Cleaning Potion by the end of break. Apparition lessons begin when classes resume."

"Of course." Severus nodded, and he tossed Amilia's pants over his shoulder. He carefully slid his hands under her and lifted her off the bed. He grinned at her slightly, "It appears there will not be much time for...extra-curricular activities."

Amilia smacked his chest as they walked out of the hospital wing. They passed Argus Filch on their way, he shot Severus a dirty look and grumbled about windows and glass. Amilia snickered to herself as they entered the corridor to the dungeons. They walked past several students who gave curious glances at the pair. Amilia reflexively covered her lower half with her cloak, realizing that she was not wearing any pants. Severus would respond to the glances with cold glares, practically threatening anyone with death if they breathed a word of what they saw.

They reached the section of the dungeons that housed the common room, potions classroom, and his office. Peering over his shoulder down the walkway, he checked to see if any students were within sight. "Lily." He whispered. The door creaked open, and he stepped inside his office, walked past his desk and toed open the door to his private quarters, and set Amilia down on the chaise.

Severus pulled a blanket out of thin air, it seemed, and placed it over Amilia. "I am going to get started on those potions. Do you need anything?"

She shook her head, "I will call my crochet project over, and then I am going to take a nap." She waved him away and waved her wand. Her project appeared through the doorway. She grasped it and set it down on the ottoman nearby and snuggled into the blanket, closing her eyes.

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