Chapter 46

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October rolled around, and Amilia could feel a change in Severus; with each passing day, his agitation would increase, and his fuse would shorten. He was more apt to deduct points from students and was even relatively short with her. She knew something was bothering him, given last years debacle, she wanted to comfort him, but she could not do so without knowing what exactly the problem was.

She sat in her living room with Poppy and Minerva; Severus had escort duty while she did not, so she took it upon herself to have an afternoon tea with the witches. She watched the women gaze about and lounge with their feet up on the stools. They looked serene in the breeze, with wisps of their silvery hair flitting about their heads. She sighed, "Might I ask you both a question?"

"What is it, my dear?"

"It is about Severus...what happened in his past to make him so...irritable during October?"

They exchanged a nervous glance between themselves, both hesitant to speak. "I am not sure that is something for us to tell you," Minerva said softly.

"Has he not told you?" Poppy inquired. Amilia shook her head. "Well," Poppy sighed, and was promptly smacked in the arm by Minerva. She shot her a dirty look before looking back at the young witch, "Obviously, you know he was a Death Eater."

"Yes. It pertains to that?"

"There were things that happened in October, the year the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was defeated. Those events are very troubling for him."

Amilia scrunched up her face, "So this is because Voldemort died?"

Minerva shifted in her seat, "This is something that you both need to speak about. I would imagine that he would be agitated if someone else told you." Amilia's face fell; this was something she could not press. "I truly am sorry."

Amilia shrugged, "It is fine. I will be informed at some point or another." She looked down at her hands. "Narcissa has requested that we be free in a few weeks, she said the items would be ready to try on."

Poppy sighed with relief, "Oh, wonderful! I cannot wait!" She set down her cup and stretched, "I do need to go, I stayed much longer than I should have."

"As have I." Minerva stood and smoothed her robes, "Do talk with him, he has to tell you at some point."

"Yeah." Amilia stood and walked them to the staircase and up to her office. Secretly she wished there was a better way to let visitors out, but as of right now, there was not, and there was nothing she could do about it.

Severus entered Amilia's chambers with a small bag in tow. He tossed his robes on a chair nearby and walked into her bedroom; she was laying down. Her chest rose and fell with ease; her hair sprawled out as usual. Severus glanced about the room; her windows were open, letting in the crisp breeze off of the lake. She had clothes folded and set aside for the week and a few books scattered about, which was nothing unusual.

He stood there, watching her sleep; she looked peaceful. He wanted to wake her to show her what he had bought her, but he thought it better that she rest. She had been on edge lately, something that he understood all too well. Yet she had not told him why yet; he did not want to press, but it was something that needed to be done. So he decided to slide into bed with her, gently wrapping his arms around her so that he did not disturb her. He could smell the jasmine wafting off her in the breeze; it was soothing and nearly put him to sleep.

He bit his cheek, willing himself to stay awake to watch her. The peace that she was exuding into the room was something he wished to achieve during his lifetime. Severus hoped that if he watched her, he would absorb it, and it would become him, that he would be able to change from this man living with one foot in the past and one in the present to a man who was solely hers—living in the present and only the present. However, this month was wrenching his guts and his heart.

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