Chapter 44

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Severus met Amilia outside her classroom at the end of the day. He kept his chin up high, and his hands clasped tightly behind his back as students gave him the side-eye and whispered about his intentions with the new teachers. If only they knew. He smirked to himself as he walked alongside Amilia to the Great Hall. "I did enjoy having lunch with you today." He spoke softly.

Amilia sighed, "I did as well. I just wish it was longer."

"Me too." He lowered his eyes to see her better. Her gait was slow, her shoulders slumped. "Are you all right?"

"Yes. My feet are sore is all. I did a lot of standing today."

"Wearing heels like that will do that to you. You could always charm your shoes for best comfort." Severus chuckled.

Amilia stopped short and looked up at him, right into his black eyes. Her own wide and bewildered. "I cannot believe I did not think of that before."

He chuckled and held out his arm, "Care to be escorted to your seat?"

A flash of intrigued passed through her eyes, "Not this time, my dear. Let's not send the whole student body to Poppy on the first day."

He laughed, hard, startling the students who were passing by. "All right. I can be content with that." He lowered his arm and entered the Great Hall. Amilia followed. They both could feel the eyes of the students on them.

"So, Amilia, how was your first day?" One of the teachers nearby asked.

She chocked on her drink for a second, "Well...I am drained. I feel like I did not do much other than talk and walk around." The table chuckled. "But it was good. The group of quidditch players are, well, they are a rather interesting bunch but appear to be eager to learn."

"That is pretty common. Now, if you need any assistance, do not be afraid to ask. You have study hall tomorrow afternoon?"

Amilia nodded, "It will be a nice change of pace to see if from the other side of the coin."

Severus leaned forward and placed his chin on his hands, "Can I call upon you to help with any potions that I may need to make for Poppy as the year drags on?"

"Of course."


Severus stood at the shelf and uttered the name. As usual, the shelf disappeared in a flurry of glitter. He saw Amilia sitting by the fire, her feet up on a stool, and her eyes droopy. Severus sighed as he pulled up another stool and sat by her feet. He took off her shoes and gently began to rub her feet for her.

"Oh, Severus, there is no need for that."

He smirked at her, "Of course there is. It is the least that I can do for you on your first day as a Hogwarts Professor." She smiled at him sleepily. "Would you like me to charm your shoes for you so that you can go to bed?"

"That would be lovely, my dear. Will you be staying the night?"

Severus shook his head. "Not tonight, my love. I have third years in the morning. Those dreadful creatures are far too incompetent even to be left alone in the bathrooms, let alone work on potions."

"Now, now, you should not talk about the students like that," Amilia grumbled. She took her feet from his hands and groaned as she wandered into her bedroom.

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