Chapter 49

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Amilia walked about her office in a relatively good mood. Her gown was hung up in her living room until she found an excellent place to hide it from Severus. She was beyond excited; she wanted nothing more than to run her hands over the cape and watch as the stones sparkled in the sunlight. She smiled to herself as she imagined how it would look in the spring sunlight as she walked down the aisle. She imagined Severus holding his breath as he took in the sight of her. She could almost hear him breathing her name and whispering to her how beautiful she was.

She paused her daydream to gaze out the door to her classroom; it was filled with a wintery light. It was not long now. The more she thought about, the more a fire burned within her. She chewed her lip; I wonder what Severus is up to right now. She flicked her hand, locking her office door before disappearing down the stairwell.

Inside her living quarters hung the gown, the stones casting a rainbow glow about the room. She stared at it briefly before throwing her eyes to the bookshelf that connect to his office. She tossed off her outer robes revealing the black shirt she had received for Christmas the year before. The chain delicately draped across the top of her breasts. She spoke softly and watched as the bookshelf disintegrated into glitter.

Severus noticed the shelf disappear out of the corner of his eye, and his fiance entered his office. She tossed her head about surveying the room before flashing him that bright smile that always stopped his heart momentarily. "Hello, Severus. What are you doing?" Her silvery voice floated over to him.

He briefly lifted his black eyes from the scroll in front of him, "Grading."

"Oh." Her footsteps drew nearer. "Are you almost finished?"

"Nearly. Its that student of yours. The Ravenclaw. I am just now getting to it." He grumbled.

"Is it satisfactory, at least? I did try to help Mister Stannard. He is talented with charms but lacks a little in potions. Not much wand-waving, I suppose." Amilia mused.

"Most likely." He drawled, "But it is well done. He has always done just a little better on the essays than he has the brewing."

"Well, that is good feedback. Something I can work with." Amilia smiled. She leaned against his desk and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing her breasts forward slightly, and waited.

Severus finished the last bit of the scroll and recorded the grade. He slipped it into the return bag for the boy and leaned back in his chair. Finally, taking a look at the woman in front of him. She had pulled her hair back into a messy bun and wore the shirt he had purchased for her. The chain drew his attention to her tits. His tongue darted out between his lips; how I would love to bury my face in them right now. He felt the familiar twitch in his trousers. He saw a smirk grow across her face. Severus shifted in his seat a little as he looked away from her face to the rest of her. Her ass was in the air, she swayed her hips slightly, seemingly not to notice that she was doing it. He felt the need to adjust himself.


He found her eyes, "Yes, my dear?"

"Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth. What is on your mind at this moment?"

"I want to fuck you." He bit his tongue right after the words slipped out. He hated it when she would do this; at least this time, it seemed like it was for play, which intrigued him. He wondered what else she would be wanting.

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