Chapter 43

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Amilia woke early, half expecting Severus to still be in bed, but she knew better. She could hear him pacing around in his bedroom as she got dressed. "So much for breakfast together." She grumbled, "Not that I could eat anyway." The pit of misery, anxiety, and excitement sat heavily in her belly. She wished for it to be a fantastic day but knew deep down there would be at least one problem or another.

She saw a beautiful bouquet of yellow lilies sitting on her little table upon walking into her living room. In front sat a piece of parchment:

Amilia, My darling,

Good morning. I know you had hoped to have breakfast this morning, but there was an issue in the common room I needed to take care of. How about we have lunch together?

I look forward to hearing about your morning.

Yours, SS

Amilia sighed; of course, something would happen in the common room. I wonder who I should be on the lookout for. She pulled on her shoes and tied the little laces; after producing a mirror to check her outfit, she took her time walking up the steps to her office.

It was bright, warm, and welcoming. Amilia glanced at her schedule; she had a free period after breakfast and then classes with students who failed transfiguration and charms. She figured they would not be an issue, go over the basics and see where the struggles are. However, her free period, she wanted to go to the hospital wing and see the young Ravenclaw who had made it his home.

Some of the older students had already sat down, and the Prefects would be along shortly with the first-years, but someone else caught Severus's attention. Amilia. She walked in with her head held high. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun with a small yellow lily tucked neatly into the fold. She wore a black cape with her shirt and black trousers. He could hear her clicking as she walked as if she were wearing heels, but he could not be for sure.

She sighed heavily as she sat next to him. "Are you all right?" he asked.

"Yes, just...nervous."

"You will do fine."

She smiled briefly at him before students rushed the head table. "Oh, my gods! Amilia! You look amazing!"

Amilia blinked furiously at the faces standing before her. "I..."

"What is it like to not be in the dormitories!? Can we see your quarters? I bet you managed to get an amazing view!"

"Watson, Mason, and Lightfoot; what do you think you are doing?" Severus growled.

Their eyes turned to him, fear written all over their faces. "Oh...are we being too loud?"

"This is the head table. Do you see any of the other students rushing up here?" He snapped.

The three of them stood wide-eyed and turned slightly to Amilia, hoping that she would defend them. In her heart, she wanted to, but her gut was telling her that if she did, it would only be the start of something she would eventually lose control of. So, she sat straighter in the chair and put on the sternest face she could muster. "Professor Snape is correct; you should not be rushing up to the head table."

"We just wanted to see you and wanted to ask you so many questions! We haven't seen you since last term!" one of them whined.

Amilia held up her hand, "I understand your reasoning, but this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Approaching this table needs to be done respectfully so that you do not disrupt any of the staff. You should also refrain from asking your professors any personal questions."

Yours, SS [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now