Chapter 12

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Amilia worked hard for the next couple of weeks. They had won the match against Gryffindor, to Minerva's disdain. Amilia's birthday was fast approaching, two days left. Ritchie had requested to buy her dinner at the Three Broomsticks; she kept fervently denying until he suggested other people join them on Saturday. "Fine." She turned away from him as Snape glided down the hall.

"Miss Hubbard," Severus called.

She sighed, "Yes, sir?"

"On Sunday, I will need you to stop by my office to do the final step for your alchemy potion." He looked down his nose at her.

"Yes, sir." She shifted her weight. While she had forgiven him, she still found herself somewhat irritated when she was around him. She knew he sensed it and assumed that he had chosen this blasted extended ass potion this weekend. "What time will it need to be done?"

"Six o'clock."

"All right. Thank you, sir." She waited to see if he had anything else to say. He blinked slowly at her as students cleared the hallways to change out of their uniforms. He stiffly handed her a scrap of paper before turning away from her.


I understand that you have some plans for this weekend, but do not think I do not know why. On Sunday, please wear that new shirt you had told me about at the beginning of the school year.

Yours, SS

She huffed; okay, so he knows. Still, she was irritated that he had chosen an extended potion. She rushed to the library to finish up all her assignments so that she had the weekend free, for the most part.

"So Amilia, how old are you now?" Masters leaned into his boyfriend's shoulder.

"I am nineteen." Her face flushed for some odd reason; she had forgotten that she was the oldest one in the group.

"Whoa, an older broad. I like it." Ritchie chirped, eyeing Amilia seductively. She felt strange under his gaze. Lately, he had been trying to get them to hang out together. Alone. She was not sure if he had developed feelings, but she did not risk being alone with him, he was giving off a vibe that she had felt one other time before, and it did not end well for her. However, by not allowing herself enough time with Ritchie also locked her out of using Oculi Vero. She liked him as a friend and always did her best to make sure he understood that, but she was unsure if he understood that.

"That's rather old to be here, isn't it?" the Gryffindor asked shyly, almost afraid.

The Slytherins at the table exchanged nervous glances; they knew why. Amilia breathed deep, "I missed a year due to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. I am not the only one, but I was the youngest, so it was more noticeable, I suppose."

"Oh, well, I'm glad it happened, despite anything negative that may have occurred, because I would not have gained you as a friend." The boy smiled sweetly at her.

"Me too." Amilia smiled back, "All right, we should head back to the castle. I do not think our Head of Houses will be so kind if we missed curfew."

"Snape seems to like you, so I doubt you would get into any trouble," Ritchie stated jealously. Amilia's head snapped to look at him as she tossed on her jacket. "He looks at you a lot and always is around when I talk to you. It's just weird."

"He admires the fact that I am talented at potions; that is all." she turned her nose up in the air and dashed out the door. Shit, I hope it is not that noticeable.

Yours, SS [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now