Chapter 29

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Amilia sat at the front of the library tutoring students while keeping an eye on the boy as he scrubbed the desks to Madam Pince's specifications. Amilia had asked for Madam Pince to dismiss him when he felt that he had done what he needed to do; that way, she could focus on her pupils. Though it was nearing the end of her sanity, she decided to finish up and go to Hogsmead.

Severus sat at the bar in the Three Broomsticks; he dreaded the coming weeks; students were begging for extra points and crying about the difficulty of his tests. He scoffed, thinking that, if only they had paid attention to his lectures, put forth the effort to get good scores on their essays, or even took notes, that they would pass the tests easily. Though, he relished in the fact that tears were always shed about his class. He heard the door open again and hunkered down on his stool, trying to make sure his other colleagues would not see him. They were all very testy at this time of year, and he wanted no part of it; he wanted to enjoy his drink in peace. However, the stool next to him scrapped against the floor, the sound of a body hitting the seat, and the laughter caught his attention.

He side-eyed the woman who sat next to him, her hair was pulled up, and he saw two piercings in her ear lobes. A mug of virgin butterbeer was set before her. She used her fingers to scoop up the foam and seductively sucked the frothy white substance off of them. She giggled and turned her head to him, one finger still stuck between her lips. She produced a cheeky grin and batted those beautiful chestnut eyes that have always captured his attention.

Severus took another swig and blinked slowly at her, "What are you doing here? I thought you were facilitating a detention."

"Oh, I was." She plucked her finger from her lips, "Pince dismissed him shortly before I was done tutoring. So I have the rest of the afternoon free, along with this evening." She beamed at him.

"And what do you intend to do with your time?"

"I was hoping to see you, actually. I could use a good nap." She purred.

An eyebrow shot up, "A nap?" he said in hushed tones.

Amilia licked her lips, "Yes, a nap." She brought the mug to her lips and chugged. Tossing him a wink, she twitched away and outside the door. Severus watched her skirt sway as she went further and further from him, a heat rising in his groin. "A nap." He chuckled as he downed the rest of his drink, following her out the doors.

She was several feet ahead of him; he noticed her tossing glances over her shoulder. He saw the same cheeky grin flash across her face as she whipped her head around, dashing into the tree line. He quickened his pace and dove into the grove closest to him. He could hear her silvery laughter and voice calling to him between the trees and bushes. He felt the sting of the branches and leaves as he pushed them out of his way. He felt the fire of the alcohol pulsing through his veins.

"Amilia!" he called softly, hoping that his voice did not echo too much in the silence surrounding him. He turned around slowly, his eyes searching for a glimmer and glimpse of her. He heard her gentle giggle behind him and felt her gentle caress on the tops of his shoulders as he turned around to face her. In her eyes, those beautiful chestnut eyes, he saw a fire raging, her pink tongue darted out between her lips as she unbuttoned his jacket and shirt. He breathed deeply as she placed those lips against his skin as she dragged her teeth against his neck as she took his face into her hands.

He wrapped his arms around her as their lips found each other. She bit his bottom lip and tugged gently as she slid her hands back down his body, fiddling with the buckle on his belt. Severus hungrily sought for the hem of her shirt, yanking it up, surprised by the freeness of her breasts. He pulled his face from hers and gazed at her; he had hoped to find her face flushed in the adorable shade of red she had when she was a little embarrassed, but instead, she was staring at him through her eyelashes, mischief in its purest form in her smile. He scoffed and took her breasts into his hands and kneaded them as she jerked his belt out of its loops and slid his trousers down his pale legs.

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