Chapter 35

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Severus and Amilia flopped onto the sofa; the goblins had been grouchy, the ice cream parlor was filled to the brim, and the clothes that Amilia loved had to be picked up in a couple days to get the correct size since they were busy fitting students for their robes. "Why were children getting fitted? School just let out yesterday!" she huffed and threw her hands in the air.

"You would be surprised, my dear. I have enough for sandwiches, are you hungry?"

Amilia sighed, "Yes." She closed her eyes and waited.

The two of them climbed into bed, too tired to do anything. "What are you going to plant? Anything special your mother crafted?"

"No, not this time. Just some simple things. Plants that you can use in potions. I am thinking practically right now." She rolled over and laid her head on his shoulder, "I would need a greenhouse for the plants she crafted."

"I see. Well, day, you will have a greenhouse." Severus yawned.

"I would love that." Amilia snuggled in and drifted off to sleep.

I just need some time to take care of things here first. Then we can look for a house of our own, one to grow a family in. Severus watched her sleep before drifting off himself.

A few weeks had passed when Amilia had received a letter. She was playing the piano while Severus brewed a potion in the cellar. He heard her shriek and tore off up the stairs to find her staring at the parchment in her hands. "What is it!? Are you all right!?" he huffed.

She raised her eyes, "Kylie is getting married!!" she jumped up and down and squealed again.

Severus let out the breath he was holding. He visibly relaxed then straightened. "Who is Kylie?"

Amilia cocked her head at him, "My best friend and she wants to speak to me immediately. In-person. I am sure I have told you about her."

Severus scratched his temple, "Well, go talk to her then. She must need help with planning."

Amilia's eyes scanned the parchment again, "She does not say where she wants to meet." She furrowed her eyebrows, "That only means one thing."

Severus waited.

"She wants to come to me. Here. Now."

Severus furrowed his brows. "What do you mean now?"

"This is just how she has always been. If she did not specify a day and time, that meant it would be right then and there. She usually put a charm on the letters to know when I read it." Amilia flicked her hand, and items around the house put themselves away and folded. The dishes in the kitchen began to wash themselves. "You don't...mind, do you?" she glanced up at him.

"I assume this is something important. Otherwise, she would not have done it that way."

Amilia nodded, "Go finish up your potion. I can take care of everything."

"No, this is my house. I need to be here when she comes in. I just need to set it to simmer." He headed back down to the cellar, and Amilia darted up the stairs to run a comb through her hair.

The doorbell rang, both Severus and Amilia jumped to their feet and hurried to the door. Severus opened it, and Amilia squealed. The girls embraced and chattered away quickly. Severus almost shut the door before realizing that there was another figured darkening his doorstep. "Who might you be?"

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