Chapter 36

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Amilia was speechless. She had dreamed of this moment ever since the spark jumped from their fingers. Literally. Severus, waiting at the altar, a beautiful stone wall set behind him, and their guests dressed in their best with their wands at the ready. Amilia could see her veil hanging in front of her face in the mirror as Minerva fiddled with the buttons on the back of her stunning dress.

She was screaming yes, but the words would not pass over her lips. She saw the joy turn to fear in his eyes, one that seemed all too familiar to him, a rejection that wounded him once before by the looks of it.

Amilia forced herself to blink a few times and took in a raspy breath, "Yes." She pushed the word of her tongue and through her parted lips.

Severus furrowed his brow, she had said something, but it was so soft that he was not sure she had said anything at all. "Repeat it." he choked.

Amilia swallowed and gathered strength that resided in her belly, "Yes." Still soft but forceful.

He heard it that time, barely, but it was there. He exhaled and flashed her a quick grin, his hands shaking as he took the ring out of the little box and placed it upon her finger. He stood, clasping her hand to his chest. "That was....nerve-wracking."

Amilia gazed at the ring on her finger; the single stone glistened in the remaining light of the day. "It is beautiful."

"I wanted to get something bigger, shinier. However, I could not exactly afford it."

"Severus," she snapped, "You could have given me a ring woven out of daisies, and I still would have said yes."

He scoffed, "Well, if that is the case, I can go return this one then?"

Amilia jerked her hand away, "Don't you dare!"

A Cheshire grin spread across his pale face, "All right, all right." He held his hands up defensively, "I do think we should get back to the party, though."

Amilia glanced over her shoulder before planting a kiss on him, "Now we can go." She skipped the rest of the way.

"I certainly did not expect to see you here, Severus."

The newly engaged couple looked up at the voice owner, knowing that they have both heard that chastising tone many times before. "Hello, Madam Rosmerta. What are you doing here?"

"I received an invitation." She glanced at Amilia, "You, I understand; you're her best friend." She pointed at Severus, "But you...I do not. You don't come to things like this. Ever."

"I am her guest," Severus said coldly.

The tavern keeper looked at Amilia and back to Severus, noticing how close their knees were to each other, the unsure tension that rolled off each of them. "No!" she whispered. "I knew that there was a rumor among the staff, but I swore up and down that you were so far up Potter's ass that it could not be possible."

"Potter?" Amilia immediately turned to look at him.

"Do not mention that name again." he snarled, his nose scrunched up menacingly.

Madam Rosmerta raised her brows and crossed her arms over her chest. "Either way, I do not want to know when this officially started. Congratulations on your job Hubbard." She turned away.

Amilia leaned forward, "What did she mean about the Potter's?"

"I do not want to talk about it." Severus turned his face away from her. "I do not want that to take away from our happy moment."

Yours, SS [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now