Chapter 14

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The next day came quickly, Severus slept poorly. He had a surprise visit from the Headmaster that prevented him from sleeping in. Slowly he went about his business, arranging his office before seeing his mother buried out in Spinner's End. He also needed to make a trip to see Lily, cursing that he would inadvertently be seeing James simultaneously. He huffed, and his thoughts traveled to how her son, Harry, was doing. Shaking his head clear of that fateful night's memories, he took some powder sitting in a pot and left in a flash of green.

Amilia went down to the kitchens and tickled the pear. Inside she spoke with the House-elves, requesting items for a meal she would make herself. Minsey agreed to be the one to take the things to the common room for her; that way, she was not interrupting them. The rest of the elves set about their business, preparing the feast for the next day.

Later that evening, Amilia was stirring the pot she had over the fire. The smell of beef stew filled the room. She had just placed her gifts for Severus in his office, knowing that he would not be there, but she had had a little sliver of hope that she would be able to watch him open them. "Something smells divine." That gravelly voice that caused her heart to soar could be heard coming from across the room.

"Thank you." Amilia smiled broadly, taking pride in her cooking.

"What is it?" Severus leaned over the pot, examining its contents.


"You are making it yourself?" he asked, surveying the room.

"Yes. My mother would make for us for Christmas instead of turkey. I wanted to keep that tradition alive." She turned her chestnut eyes to him. "Something wrong?"

"No, just curious as to why you did not have the House-elves make it."

"It would not have been the same. Besides, they protested enough; I let them bring hot chocolate and cider."

"Where are the young ones?" Severus risked placing a hand on Amilia's back.

"They are having a snowball fight, with the other houses. Peeves is in on it, from what I understand."

"I see." Severus slid his hands around her waist. "Might I trouble the cook for a kiss?"

"Only if you actually plan to stay for dinner, and the gifts that we all got each other." she turned around to him, pressing her chest into his. He nodded with hooded eyes. She stepped on tiptoes and pecked him on the lips quickly before laying her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around her. Sighing, she pulled away, and he groaned, they could hear the students coming.

"Stay with me tonight?" He whispered quickly, "I would love to wake up next to you on Christmas morn."

"We shall see." She took an extra step away from him to make it look more professional. "Drop your robes and cloaks on the rail to dry and get changed. Dinner will be ready when you are done."

"Dinner? You're cooking." A first-year frowned at her, unsure if he wanted to eat what she made. Amilia waved her spoon at the boy, threateningly; he dashed down the stairs. Amilia ladled out the stew into bowls that Minsey the House-elf was setting up, mugs of hot chocolate and cider laid out on a silver serving tray on the coffee table.

The few who had remained in Slytherin house devoured the stew and settled in with their chosen mugs. Amilia handed out the gifts that sat under the tree that they had given each other. The gifts from the family would arrive after midnight when the students were asleep.

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