Chapter 60

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Amilia rocked baby Scott as Kylie brought in tea. "Thank you very much for allowing me to come over."

"Oh! No worries, Ami, I appreciate the company." She poured the tea, "Not that Scott or Marcus are not good company."

Amilia laughed, "I am sure they love being around you. How is work, or are you still at home?"

"I have a couple more weeks before I need to go back. They wanted to make sure I am healthy. Besides, the Muggle doctor has not cleared me yet."

"Oh." Amilia laid Scott in his cradle, "why not?"

"Wanting to make sure my heart is all right."

"Is that not something that can be fixed elsewhere?"

Kylie caressed her babies head, "Well, yes, but we are going to wait until after the Muggles clear me. We do not want to arouse suspicion."

"Ah, yes, the miracles, they would want to study you." Amilia rolled her eyes. Muggles baffled her with their miracles, never wanting to think that there was something more or there that could have done the trick.

Kylie nodded her head. "How is the wedding coming along?"

Amilia sighed and picked up a cookie when she set her teacup down. "It is all ready to go."

"Why did you sigh? You only sigh when something is bothering you. Are you not excited?"

"Oh!" Amilia raised her hand, "Of course I am excited. Poppy said he looked absolutely dashing in his dress robes, except it looked more like a suit but not like what Marcus wore. The way the ceremony near the lake is going to look is fantastic, and we have a photographer coming." She smiled to herself, imagining how Severus would look, wondering if he decided to choose a color to wear or if he would don his usual black attire.

"I sense a but."

Again, Amilia sighed, "I have a few questions."

Kylie laughed, "Ask away!"

"Oh, well, I was wondering what it is like, the day of I mean?"

"Well, I felt like I was being rushed even though I knew I had plenty of time. I also kept forgetting to eat; his mom had to remind me to eat several times while getting ready. So I suggest having some small snacks nearby, things that will not smudge your makeup."

"That can be done. Did you enjoy yourself?"

Kylie grinned, "Yes, tell your guests how much you appreciate them quickly so that you can enjoy the rest of your night."

Amilia nodded, "I have a couple other questions...but not pertaining to the wedding."

Kylie squinted at Amilia, "I know this is not about your wedding night. What is wrong?"

Amilia began to pick at her nails, "I know there is something he is not telling me. And I want him to tell me, I try not to push it, but." she cut off her words.

"But what?"

"I need to know, even if I know before he tells me," Amilia whispered.

"Know what?"

"The trauma that causes him such pain. He does not want to open up about it yet. I have some idea that it pertains to someone he lost, at first I thought that it was his mother, but I am beginning to think it was someone else entirely."

Kylie rose from her seat, grabbing items and tossing them in a little bag, diapers, and wipes, and so on. "Grab your cloak."

"Where are we going?" Amilia asked.

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