Chapter 45

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It was a brisk autumn afternoon when Severus and Amilia met in the courtyard. The students bustled about on their way to Hogsmead and were none the wiser of what their two professors were whispering about.

"I do not know, Amilia, the courtyard is always so...crowded."

"Oh come on Severus, you said no to the Great Hall because it echoes too much and you said no to the clock tower because...and I quote, 'what if the bell goes off mid-ceremony?'." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I..." Severus scowled at the ground.

She pressed her lips together, "Let's go for a walk; we have not had a little walk in a while."

Severus flashed her a quick smirk, " I like that idea." He placed both of his hands behind his back in his usual stance. Amilia folded her hands in front of herself and fell into step. Together they walked through the remainder of the courtyard and the extensive grounds that it flowed into. They did not speak much, only taking in the sounds of autumn around them. Amilia veered off to get closer to the lake, wanting to enjoy the view of the leaves in their glory.

Severus stood back watching as she crept closer and closer to the waters edge. Her hair, glowing warmly in the sun, her blue outfit a stark contrast against the foliage's reds and oranges. He smiled to himself as he imagined her standing in that same spot in the spring, the vibrant green leaves with their flowering counterparts. He could see her picking some of the new blossoms and placing them in her hair. He could see her sitting there reading by the lakeside as the spring turned to summer. And then it dawned on him. This was the place. He could see himself standing near the lake watching her walk down the aisle with the castle sitting dramatically behind her, beaming at him as she saw him standing there.

"Amilia." He called. She turned to face him, though still a distance away. "Here."

Amilia giggled as she drew nearer to him, "I am sorry, I did not quite catch that."


"Here?" She glanced about herself, puzzled, "What about here?"

"This is the place. The ceremony."

Amilia turned her wide eyes to his, "Are you certain?"

He nodded, "Spring or early summer."

"That is not much time Severus."

"I believe we can get it done without any issues."

"And what, pray tell, brought you to this choice?" She shimmed closer to him, placing her hands gently upon his chest just as she did so many months before.

Severus placed on his hands on top of hers, "You looked stunning when you were standing there. I could only imagine how photos would turn out, and seeing you descend the hill here, with the castle behind you, is a sight that will turn others green with envy."

Amilia blushed furiously, "Then it is settled then. We should tell Albus."

"Not yet." He slid a hand over her cheek and gently pulled her face to his, "A kiss to celebrate perhaps?" He brushed his lips against hers, setting them on fire.

She moaned softly and bit her bottom lip. "Perhaps a little more than that to celebrate."

"I like that idea," Severus said in hushed tones as he buried his face in her hair.

Amilia pulled away and took his hand, leading him up the hill towards the castle. Neither of them caring that students and staff alike saw them walking so closely with their fingers intertwined. It would only be a matter of months before their nuptials would be the talk of the school.

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