Chapter 15

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Amilia rose from the tub, the water dripping from her hair and body. She relished in being clean and free from the pungent smell of sex. After drying off, she pulled on her jeans and the shirt she had received the night before. She looked herself over in the mirror. The shirt clung to her waist, and the sharp neckline showed a decent amount of cleavage. The chain fell over the top of her breasts. Amilia parted her hair and pulled the top into a ponytail, braiding it and twisting the braid into a bun. She went over to the small wooden box on her nightstand and pulled out her mother's hairpins that she always wore for the holidays, holly leaves and berries. She smiled at the memories of holidays with her family, sitting around the fireplace, eating stew and drinking hot chocolate, her brother, Jordan, playing carols on his guitar. She felt her chest tighten and tears well up. She shook her head and placed the pins in her hair quickly.

Severus waited for Amilia to return when someone tapped on his office door. He walked over to it, assuming Amilia could not use the one from the common room. To his surprise, there stood Poppy and Minerva. "Happy Christmas, Severus." The women smiled at him, waiting to be welcomed in. He stepped to the side. "We did not see you at dinner last night, and we wanted to bring you your presents."

"In fact, we did not see a single Slytherin in the Great Hall last night."

"Ah, yes." Severus cleared his throat, "Amilia made dinner for the house."

"Well, I am glad there is some house bonding. Lord knows we need it after these last few years." Minerva sat down next to the fire. "Here, open it before my bones turn to stone." She handed him a small bag from Honeydukes. Severus took it from her and peered inside; he found more cauldron cakes and a few bottles of butterbeer.

"Thank you, Minerva." He anxiously glanced over his shoulder at the office door.

"Minerva," Poppy grinned, "I do think he is looking for some time to himself. Come, let's bother Albus. I'm sure he is looking forward to tea by the fire."

"I agree." Minerva hoisted herself out of the chair and walked over to the door. "Happy Christmas, Severus."

"Happy Christmas." He replied.

Amilia stood around the corner with her cloak and a small bag in hand, waiting for McGonagall and Poppy to leave Severus's office. It did not take long, maybe a couple minutes, but those were the longest minutes of her life. She watched as the two women left his office and turned the corner to the main level. Amilia let out the breath she was holding and walked to his office door, "Lily." The door creaked open, and she let herself in.

Severus stood with his back to the door, gazing off into the fire. Amilia placed her cloak on the hook next to his and dropped her back on the floor. She went over and placed a hand on his arm, "Severus? You all right?"

"Hmm?" he looked down at her, "I am now. Here, this is for you." Severus handed her the green and purple wrapped box. Amilia took it in her hands and carefully took the wrapping paper off and pried the lid open. In the box sat the bracelet and earrings that she had admired on her first Hogsmead trip.

She looked at him, surprise written all over her face. "How did you know?"

"I saw you, in Gladrags, looking at it. You stood there for a good time so I knew it was something you wanted." Severus took the box from her hands and pulled the item out of the box, carefully taking her left hand in his. He placed the beautiful thing on her wrist, smiling at her.

Amilia's hand shook as she gazed up at his face; he was so proud of himself for getting this present for her. And truly, she loved it, "This is the best...the best gift I have ever received."

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