Chapter 17

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Amilia paced in front of the fireplace, contemplating the decision she had to make. She had spoken about it several times with Severus and Poppy, Minerva was excited to know that she was offered the position. Still, she felt anxious. Amilia had until midnight to give Dumbledore her decision. Doing this would cut into her social time; maybe she could persuade to have Fridays free so she would not be abandoning her friends. She was sure that he would not allow her grades to slip, so when large projects or tests were to happen, she felt that he would arrange the time for her to study. Of course, this was something she would need to ask. Amilia sighed and turned to the flames, hoping that it would the answer she sought after. She groaned and stalked out of the common room to the Headmaster's office.

She stood in front of the stone gargoyle again and waited for it to complete its revolution so she could climb the steps. "Professor?"

"Ah, Amilia. How are you?" She found the man at the top of the stairs behind his desk.

"I am fine, sir. And you?"

"Good, good. Do you have an answer for me?" he descended the staircase and stroked the phoenix's neck lovingly.

"Yes, sir. I want to accept it." She shifted her weight, "But I do have a few questions."


"This, of course, will cut into my social time, I do not want to abandon my friends. Would it be possible to leave the weekends and Friday for myself?" Amilia saw that he raised his bushy brows at her; she wondered how often his employees came to negotiate.

"That can be done; of course, I would hope you would use that time to study as well."

"Of course."

"Anything else?" He inquired.

"In regards to my studies, if there were a large project or perhaps at the end of the year with testing, would I be able to dedicate more time towards them?"

"Yes, why would you not? I assure you, your professors while enjoying your assistance and eagerness to learn, will also want you to excel in your classes."

Amilia shifted her weight again, "I have one more question. Will I be compensated for the apprenticeship I will be doing?"

"I had intended to do so." He chuckled, "Which is something I wanted to speak to you about. Would you prefer to receive the payment for yourself the rest of your term, or would you rather put it into furnishing your quarters and classroom?"

Amilia stood there a little stunned. She had not thought of that. "I assume the classroom would be ready for me."

"In a way, it will be, but each instructor likes to bring in their own flair," He waved his hand about his office as an example.

"I had wondered if I would be able to share...quarters with someone," Amilia said hesitantly.

"I do not think that would be wise at the start. If circumstances change for any reason, we could revisit that." Dumbledore grinned. Amilia wondered what would warrant a change in living situations.

"Saving the pay for furnishings would be the best idea. How would that work?" she asked curiously.

"The beds come standard, but you could choose to bring in your own bedding or buy new. Often when one becomes Head of House, they try to bring that pride in anywhere they go. Dressers and trunks are up to your choice, as is the chair for your desk. The desk is what will be available but can be altered depending on needs." Dumbledore took the opportunity to sit. "Your classroom will, of course, require some items from each of the classes you will be assisting that way you are prepared. Your office, aside from the desk, is all up to you."

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