Chapter 62

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Amilia rolled over, blinded by the morning light and irritated at the tapping that drew her from her pleasant dream. She stretched, her sheets caressing her bare legs as she settled back into her pillow. She sighed, reaching next to her only to find a cold empty spot where Severus should have been, but he slept in his own quarters last night. Why did he do that again?

The tapping became more urgent. "Amilia!? Are you all right?"

Amilia rubbed her face with her hands. "Who is it, and what the bloody hell do you want?"

The tapping stopped. "Amilia Anne Hubbard, never use that language with me again."

It dawned on her that was Minerva tapping on her chamber door, and the reason why Severus was not in her bed was because today, they were getting married. Amilia flung her sheets back and raced to do the door, unlocking it and throwing it open.

Minerva stood there, arms crossed over her chest, and her toe tapped against the floor slightly. "Sleep late, did we?"

"I am so sorry!"

"Nevermind that," she grabbed Amilia's hand, "you need to come eat." She pulled the young bride into the living area. The fire had already been lit, the curtains drawn, and her gown hanging next to her family portrait.

Poppy bounced between the small table cluttered with food and her dress. "Good morning! Today is a beautiful day! I am so happy for you!" She dabbed the corners of her eye with her sleeve. "Come, we have an array of items; we were not sure how hungry you would be."

Amilia smiled at the woman, "thank you." She sat down and poured three cups of tea, "could we have a little bit of normalcy by having tea together."

Minerva and Poppy exchanged a small glance, "Of course, dear."

Severus sat in his highback chair in front of the fireplace. Dumbledore had come to check on him and bring him breakfast, but the only thing that looked appetizing was the firewhiskey in his desk drawer. After the dream he had the other night, he wanted to take the potion so he could have a dreamless night, but he discovered that his stores were empty. He had used them all up.

Dumbledore walked back in, "Severus, I understand that you do not have to take as long as Miss Hubbard to get ready, but you should at least attempt to do something with your time."

Severus took a swig of his drink, "I am. I am enjoying a drink in the morning."

"But you have not dressed or bathed."

Sighing, Severus pushed himself out of the chair, "I will eat something and then bathe, will that please you." He snapped.

The Headmaster scowled at him, "Did you not sleep well."

"Dreadfully," Severus grumbled as he slapped some butter on toast.

"It must be those wedding jitters." Dumbledore mused. Severus grunted. The two men stared at each other, waiting for the other to do or say something. "Well, I will be off then. I do still have a school to run. Minerva said she would be helping you get ready later. I will stop by again at some point." The Headmaster eyed the groom; he could see that something was bothering him, but he did not want to press it. He could see by the bags under his eyes that Severus did not sleep well the night before. Dumbledore knew that most nights, Severus and Amilia would sleep together, but he could not help but catch little thoughts of something troubling. "Wedding nerves is all it is," Dumbledore said reassuringly.

Severus rolled his eyes and sat back down. The sun shone perfectly on his glass, sending refracted rainbows across the room. He scoffed at them. He had no reason to be insensitive with anyone, today should be the happiest day of his life, but he could not be bothered to smile yet. Not until I see her. He desperately wanted to crawl into her bed last night, but she had locked the passageway and most likely her chamber door. He craved her touch, that fire that would slither through his veins, he wanted to be enveloped in her scent and presence, but all he was left with last night was a cold bed and a raging boner.

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