Chapter 56

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Several days had passed before Severus saw Bubbles sitting on his desk. A small scroll in her beak, gently he took it from her as he scratched her head.

Severus, come see me.

Below was the address. His heart skipped momentarily, grabbing his cloak and dashing up to the Headmasters office.

Dumbledore sat there, a parchment in his hand. "Yes, yes. Go. She will be back this weekend. Just in time for classes to start."

Severus stared at the old wizard, frustrated. She had also sent him a letter. He shook his head and stepped into the fireplace.

Emerging in a living room, it looked like something had exploded in it. A pillow and blankets laid haphazardly on the sofa, a small cradle next to a chair. Dishes laid on the table. A man rounded the corner, an empty bottle in his hand. "Bloody hell!" He cried. "Amilia! I think someone is here to see you!!"

"I am upstairs!"

Severus stared at the man, "Have you had a lot of company?"

Marcus glanced at the state of the living room. "Things have just died down. My family just left."

"How did your wife's family handle things?" Severus felt silly for asking such trivial questions, but he did come unannounced, apparently. He dropped his cloak over the top of the sofa and eyed the stairwell.

"They haven't come yet. Her father had to work today, but they did come to see her in the hospital a few times. Got some funny looks they did. Walking around like they owned the place in those funny clothes." Marcus led the way up the stairs. Severus followed on his heels.

"Saint Mungos?"

"Uhh...what's that?"

"Never mind. So a Muggle hospital?"

"Muggle?" Marcus paused and looked over his shoulder, "oh...yeah, so my family could visit us."

Severus nodded, sounded reasonable. He spied two open doorways, soft humming from one and running water in the other. Marcus walked into the one with soft humming. A figure laid on the bed, her chest rising and falling. Amilia sat in the rocking chair nearby, humming softly and patting a small green bundle in her arms. Marcus cleared his throat. She looked up, and a soft smile spread across her face. "Severus."

He stood there, staring at her. She looked tired. "Are you okay?"

She chuckled, "I am fine."

"I did not expect you to be here for so long."

Amilia furrowed her brows, "I have been enjoying my time."

Marcus turned to Severus, "She has been a great help. We didn't sleep much at the hospital with the complications and all. She bounced between setting things up here, having food ready for us, and the hospital." He turned to the form on the bed, gently shaking the shoulder. "Kylie...your bath is ready."

Kylie grumbled and rolled over. Her hair was disheveled, "My nap was not long enough." She groaned, and she pushed herself off of the bed.

"Are you still sore?" Amilia asked, concerned. Kylie nodded. "Severus, in my bag, you will find a large purple vial. Please get it and hand it to Marcus."

Severus moved slowly, keeping his eye on his fiance as she rocked and patted the green thing. His hands found the vial quickly and handed it to the other man in the room. Kylie had leaned over Amilia, beaming and cooing despite the pain creeping on her face. "Professor, have you seen my son yet?"

Severus shook his head and crept up slowly. "His name is Scott," Kylie said behind him. The babies face looked smushed, all wrinkly and blotchy. Little tufts of brown hair sat on its head. His little eyes shut tight.

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