Chapter 3

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Severus paced his living room at Spinner's End; his sleep was troubling him. "Why are you haunting me?" He growled. "Is it a side effect of what you are doing to get the truth out of me?" He stopped pacing and glanced in the mirror above the mantle. How could she find him intriguing? He is not good looking by any means. His hair hung around his face and looked greasy no matter how often he washed it.

He sighed dejectedly, "It is not just that I want to know what you did...but I want to know this power that you have over me at this moment." Snape scowled at the floor and grabbed his cloak off its hook before apparating to the Leaky Cauldron.

Amilia stood in the bookstore and picked up another copy of potion ingredients; hers was destroyed the last week of classes. She lovingly caressed the cover, "You have helped me pass my potions class while I was in the hospital wing. May you still help me this coming year." She murmured. She quickly paid for the book and walked out of the store. She peered down both sides of the street and sucked air through her teeth. It had been two days, and Severus did not turn up at all.

She walked down the road to a small stand with flowers. She gazed at them and thought of her mother and gently patted her pocket to make sure her stone was still there. "Two of your Hydrangeas, color is no matter. Need to spruce up the room a little."

"Of course, dear." The woman next to the stall cut some long stems with the flower balls and handed them to her after Amilia paid. Amilia's gaze wandered one more time over the stand and settled on the Daylilies. She wondered why the lily caused him to stare at her. Her heart sank a little; oh well.

"Good afternoon," Snape said slowly. Amilia jumped and dropped her book and the flowers. Severus scowled at the thought of having startled her. He knelt with her to pick up the items that fell to the ground. She looked up at him with surprise written in her eyes. "I needed time to think." He said.

"And you decided to find me in the street instead of the store?" she stood slowly, "I am surprised."

Snape's forehead wrinkled, "How so?"

"I honestly thought you would only want to know how I got the truth out of you. Twice." She smirked. She turned away from him and walked towards the Leaky Cauldron.

Snape followed in step behind her. "Well...I do want to know that, but I am also curious about you."

"Then let us go get something to eat. I feel like a lot of what we will talk about it going to need to be said in seclusion." She glanced up at him and flashed a bright smile. Snape could see a hint of redness in her cheeks as she looked at him. He quickly looked away from her.

His stomach growled, and it dawned on him that he had not eaten that morning. "May I ask you something?"


"Will it be at the Leaky Cauldron?"

She laughed, "No, many people know me there and always want to hear more about me. I was thinking of something in the Muggle world."

"The" What in their world would be satisfying to eat? Snape wondered.

As if she was able to read his mind, "You will see. Plus, I need to drop these off real fast." She held up the flowers and book. They entered the Inn, "Oh, carry the robes and unbutton the jacket. Do not want to attract attention." Snape furrowed his eyebrows again. Amilia giggled and told him to meet her outside in the Muggle world, and she darted up the stairs.

Snape meandered through the tables to the door leading out into the Muggle world. He gingerly took off his cloak and held it in his hands, and stepped through the door. A barrage of chatter and car sounds hit his ears, and he scowled.

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