Chapter 54

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Amilia stood over the stew pot, a few frizzy-haired students hung behind her, watching. "Professor, will you ever give us the recipe?"

Amilia smiled wide, "No one will ever have this recipe for as long as I remain here."

"Aww, man." Amilia could hear the pout in the voice; she turned around and faced the student.

"Be happy that I have made it. You can always go to the kitchens for dinner." Her eyebrow raised.

The student tucked their chin and walked off towards the large glass window. Night had set, and the murky water was black, but every once in a while, you could catch a glimpse of the merpeople as they swam past.

Severus emerged from his office, waltzing in from the corridor. She could smell the lingering of whatever potion he was brewing. She could feel his eyes boring into her back as she stirred the pot of stew.

Dishes clattered behind her as the tray of hot cider and cocoa was set on the table. Bare feet were waiting impatiently at her side. "Is there anything else, Miss?"

Amilia turned her eyes to the elf in the tea cloth. "Is there any cinnamon? One of the first years requested it."

"There are a few sticks on the tray, Mam."

"That will be all, thank you." Amilia smiled as the creature disappeared in front of her. "Professor Snape?" Amilia straightened her back as she glanced at him, "Would you gather the students? It is time."

She watched his face twist before he descended the stairs. She sighed heavily; something must have happened to the potion. The past few days, he had been a pleasant mood. He was smiling softly at her over the students' head, participating in a few board games. They had taken walks around the grounds like they usually did, though he did get pegged with a snowball by a student. Amilia had never seen his face contort so nastily so quickly terrified her. It took all it had in her to not run from him when he turned back to face her after dealing with the student. Severus had gone from a calm and content, relaxed face to rage and contempt within a matter of seconds, only to turn back to her with a bright smile upon his lips, enjoyment, and that boiling rage in his black eyes. The resentment that she witnessed was something that bothered her. How can he be like that towards students? What has happened in his life to make him hate children so much? Why would he accept a teaching position if he knew he would react like this?

Severus returned to the common room with the students. He could hear Amilia's thoughts bounce around the walls as much as he could the students. Why is he always so crabby? Why could we not have a nice Head of House? You would have thought that once he got a woman to like him, he would at least loosen up a bit. Is she that terrible in the sack? Many students throughout the castle had these same thoughts, but the holiday break made it even worse; their minds were not made busy with assignments, lessons, spell practicing. If they were not thinking about themselves and their desires, they were thinking about Amilia in the tight skirt she wore in the beginning of the term, or if Severus had used a love spell on her or one of his potions.

This infuriated him to no end, but there was nothing he could do about it until someone acted out of line. Lately, he was taking out more of his frustration on the students, something he knew he should not do, something that Amilia disapproved of greatly. But he just could not help it! It brings me great joy to watch them squirm.

Severus sighed audibly, "Miss Hubbard, are you ready?" The words drawled out in his usual uninterested tone. Damn, not how I wanted it to come out.

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