Chapter 4

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A few weeks have gone by, and Severus had visited Amilia any time that he could. He often found himself thinking about her while working on his schedules and potions. Even went as far as to buy the book of Patronus that she had been reading, it had come up in conversation that she had not finished it yet. He sat in his office at Hogwarts, finalizing his school year assignments when Minerva walked in.

"What?" he snapped.

McGonagall shrugged, "How has your break been? Poppy has said she has seen you walking around with a young lady."

Severus slouched in his chair. "Will this be...the talk of the staff?" he inquired.

She raised that famed eyebrow at him, "Only if you want it to be."

"I. Do. Not." He enunciated each word.

"Well, do you mind telling me about her?" Minerva inquired, sitting across from him.

"Not really." He shifted in his seat, "What can you tell me about Holland Park?"

"Well, I hear that it has a nice waterfall and an abundance of flowers. Why?"

"She wants to go there, and there is only a week left before the term starts." Severus scowled at himself. "I am not even sure why I am talking to you about this?"

"What seems to be the problem? Has something happened?"

"She only came into the picture after I noticed her holding a lily. She immediately caught my attention then. When we shook hands, I could feel warmth spreading from her fingers to me. Then the next time I saw her, she dropped a box of owl treats, and a literal spark happened between us." Snape rubbed his temples, very disturbed by what he is confiding. McGonagall waited patiently. "Her eyes haunt my dreams and I can smell her everywhere, it makes my work difficult."

"A spark you say?"

"Yes." He growled. "Words just fall out of my mouth when I am around her."

Minerva smirked, "Well, often times there is a witch or wizard that throws your whole world upside down. Leaving you to do things that you often would not do and causing great disturbances in your day to day life until you have accepted that individual."

"She says she likes my nose." His lips pressed into a thin line.

"Looks are not what everyone is after. And has she lied to you yet?"

He shook his head, "Not that I know of. I haven't even been compelled to look into her mind."

"Is that a good thing?"

"I do not know Minerva. I question everything and find myself having sleepless nights." His head fell into his hands, defeated. "I have not felt like this since Lily...and even then this is not the same feeling."

"Like I said, there is always one individual who flips everything upside down, and it takes an action to make it right again." She stood up, "I suggest you follow what your heart is telling you." She walked to the door, "And Severus, if you ever need to talk, Poppy and I are here."

Amilia sat with Kylie at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. The girls had decided to split a cup. "So tell me about this guy you have been hanging out with."

Amilia smirked at her friend, "He is a guy. And tall. Black hair. Either in school, or a recent graduate."

"What does he do?"

"I'm not sure. Never came up."

"Do you like him? Are you going to look for him in the Great Hall?" Kylie leaned forward earnestly.

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