Chapter 26

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Severus woke the next day, not remembering at all that he went to bed. He rolled over and saw the auburn hair fanned out on the pillow next to him, her chest rose and fell softly. He grumbled as he slid out of bed, trying not to wake her. He dressed quietly and went down to the main level of the manor.

"Good morning, sir. Do you and the miss require anything before Dobby starts breakfast?"

Severus glanced down at the House-elf cowering at the kitchen doors. "No, I do not need anything. However, please take some tea and honey upstairs. I am sure she will wake soon."

"Yes, sir." Dobby dipped his head and backed into the kitchen.

Severus continued his walk around the main floor, observing the paintings on the walls. He stood before a large family portrait; Narcissa sat in a grand chair with Draco on her lap, Lucius, with his hand on her shoulder. Severus scoffed before walking away, grumbling about how it was a waste of money to do that.

"Ah, Severus, how did you sleep last night?" Lucius drawled behind him.

"I slept well. Though I do not remember going to bed."

"Ah, yes." Lucius chuckled, "You and Amilia retired after a few glasses of wine while we all ate some custard. I believe it was around midnight when you two left. She was rather red in the face if I recall."

Severus squinted, "That sounds about right." He pinched the bridge of his nose. The memories of Amilia giggling out of control as he helped her change flooded his brain. He snorted again; he wondered if she had ever consumed that much alcohol before.

"Narcissa was concerned Amilia would not feel well in the middle of the night. How did she fair?"

"She was fine. Once she stopped giggling like a schoolgirl."

"She is a schoolgirl, though." Narcissa chimed in. Her heels clicked against the stone floors. "Draco will be up soon. I assume you both will be leaving after breakfast."

"I will be. I do not know about her. She is still asleep." Severus clasped his hands behind his back and followed them into the Great Room.

Amilia heard the clattering of china in the room. She blinked angrily and held her head as she sat up. "Please stop with all that racket!" she snapped.

A small squeak and profuse apologizing filled the room. "So sorry, miss! Dobby did not mean to wake you!"

Amilia rolled her eyes as the House-elf began to bang his head against the floor. "Dobby, stop!" she jumped out of bed and grabbed the elf by the back of its...potato bag. "Enough of this nonsense. What did you bring me?"

"Snape, sir, told Dobby to bring you tea and honey." The elf hung in the air, "He did not tell Dobby to wake you. Dobby is sorry, miss!" he tried to wriggle his way out of her grasp.

Amilia sighed, "Thank you, Dobby. You may go. Quietly." She set him on the floor, and he hurried out of the room with a snap of his fingers.

Amilia groaned and rubbed her temples; her head was pounding. She poured herself tea and stirred in the honey, slowly bringing it to her lips. The liquid scalded her tongue, "Bloody hell." She hissed. Cursing at herself for not realizing it was that fresh. She rummaged through her little bag and pulled out the red shirt and black jeans. Her black flats from yesterday would serve the same purpose. She put her flower pin in the bag as to not lose it. She brushed her hair in the large mirror, standing in the corner of the room.

Amilia sighed as she pulled her hair up into a bun, the bobby pins snuggled between her lips. She smoothed down her hair and stared at herself before retiring to the small table near the large windows. She snapped her fingers, and the heavy drapes opened, letting the morning light flood into the room. She sipped the tea and relaxed into the chair, watching the water of the reflecting pool shimmer. I wish I could have a house similar to this, but not as expansive. A library, most definitely, with a large fireplace and a large desk to sit at when I grade assignments at home. She sighed, "And a garden. To plant mother's seeds in." she smiled to herself, remembering the tears she had when she walked into their vault at Gringotts. Her mother had placed some seeds in a particular container, ensuring that they would not spoil while they waited to be planted.

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