Chapter 6

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"Minerva, may I have a word," Snape said dryly, stopping next to the woman before entering the Great Hall for breakfast. The woman turned around, her eyes questioning. "I have a question about the Head Girl."

"What is it, Severus?"

"I do not recall ever seeing her in my classroom. It was mentioned that she had spent a lot of time in the hospital wing these past few years, would this be why?" he clasped his hands behind his back.

"Yes, that would be why. Her assignments were brought to her by a classmate and then returned. The other professors would visit her in the hospital wing when it came to her testing her spells. As for you, I do believe I found her complaining about the essays." She raised an eyebrow at him, "Not that that is unusual for your assignments. As for your actual potions, she would brew them in Poppy's private rooms, and vials would be brought to you."

"I see."

"Is there a concern with Miss Hubbard's grades for your class? If I recall, she received high marks."

"No. Why did she spend so much time there?" Severus asked.

"That is something that I will not divulge," Minerva said sharply. "It is in her records, or perhaps you could ask her yourself." Snape leered at the woman in front of him; he wanted to snap at her, stating that as the Head of Slytherin, he deserved to know. However, she was right; he could look in her records or even ask if Amilia would tell him. Minerva watched the thoughts cross over his face. "I heard the conversation last night, Severus, your judgment is faltering." She whispered to him.

Now he glared at her, "I don't know what you are talking about." He growled. She shrugged and walked away from him into the Great Hall. Severus followed in shortly and took his spot at the staff table. His eyes scanned the room for Amilia with no avail; he pursed his lips and picked at his plate.

Amilia stood outside the Great Hall door after having directed first years on the best route to get there and that the stairwells move and around which times they do. She had to refrain from a giggle seeing their eyes grow large, but now, that giddiness is gone, anxiety had taken over as she debated on whether eating or not was worth it.

She breathed in deeply, steeling herself, reminding herself that she made it through those dark times she can make it through this. Amilia straightened her back and joined the rest of the school for breakfast. She sat down with her house and started eating the eggs in front of her. Shortly after, she was nudged by a sixth year, "Hey, Snape is staring at you. Sure must have pushed the wrong button, fainting in front of him." Amilia rolled her eyes and looked up at the staff table.

Severus saw Amilia's head swivel his way, their eyes met, and she glared at him. He could practically feel the animosity pouring from her like the whole thing was his fault. He felt a twinge in his chest; maybe it was his fault? Obviously, he was the older one of the two, one could tell by just looking at them standing next to each other, so he should have asked her exactly where she was in her schooling or even asked about her career, which would have solved this. But at the same time, had he have done that, he would not have this feeling inside him; this urge, desire, and loneliness. He had felt lonely before, but never like this. "It seems like, despite our conversations, communication is severely lacking!" those words bounced around in his head all night. Severus knew he had to fix this; the emptiness he felt these past few years was chased away with her smile and laugh, and he did not want it creeping back up, but how?

Amilia scarfed her food down and got up from the table and rushed outside to get some air. Even when she had turned her head away, she could still feel his gaze on her once in a while, and while it excited, pissed her off more. The night before, she could barely sleep because she was furious. How could he have not told me! She was pretty obvious, talking about her classes and everything, but he must have been so dense! How could she not know he was so... " stupid!" she punched the door next to her and startled some second years. She groaned and shook away the pain before walking to her first class.

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