Chapter 59

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Several weeks had passed, the blanket of winter faded into the blossoms of spring, the castle grounds looked like an emerald field, and the lake had thawed. Severus stood in Dumbledore's office, fidgeting. It was the final check on his suit; it did not look as different than his everyday wear. He opted for a long jacket and a vest. The cufflinks were silver, and he wore a purple pocket square. He eyed himself in the mirror; Poppy was fussing about his hair, trying to pull it back into a ponytail or style it in any way possible. "Leave it be. Amilia will like it the way it is."

"Oh, Severus, I am sure she will. I just want you to look your best on the happiest day of your life."

"Ah, Poppy, Miss Hubbard will be ecstatic just to have him there smiling at her." Dumbledore rounded the corner; he beamed at the Potions Master. "Though I wonder if Severus will be able to speak at all, nerves, I mean."

Poppy tilted her head, "Whatever do you mean?"

Dumbledore chuckled, "Do you remember when he tried to ask Lily Evans out?"

She laughed, "Oh, yes!" She patted Severus's shoulder reassuringly, "You could barely get the words out before she was wicked away with the lunch crowd."

Severus watched the interaction in the mirror, rolling his tongue over his cheek. He did not want to think about Lily. He had been doing his best to ignore her when she crossed his mind and took potions to sleep without dreaming. He and Amilia had a wonderful Valentine's Day, and he wanted to keep riding that high. They had gone to the tea shop and spent hours in the private room talking, eating, and playing cards. It was the break that they had needed together. He felt that they had made progress in their relationship that day. He sighed, bringing the attention back to him.

"Oh, Severus, I am sorry." Poppy hugged him, "I did not mean to bring up a bad memory."

Severus blinked, "It is fine. It is not as painful anymore."

Poppy smiled proudly at him while Dumbledore eyed him, knowing that he was lying.

"How does it feel? Do you think it needs more adjustments?"

"No, sir. It does not. Thank you for allowing me to use your room."

"Of course." Dumbledore sat behind his desk and shuffled papers around. "Amilia was here a few days ago, adding some final touches to her gown."

"She was?"

Poppy clapped, "Yes, she was! She looks so beautiful! I cannot wait to see your face when she walks down that aisle."

Severus grinned, "I cannot wait either." He turned back to the mirror and tugged on the vest; it kept riding up his torso. "Maybe just an inch or two longer."

The alterations expert nodded and helped remove the clothes, taking note of where the pins were placed. "I will have this done for you in a couple weeks. Congratulations."

"Thank you," Severus mumbled.

Severus corrected his jacket as he began to leave. "Severus, might I have a moment of your time?" Dumbledore asked.

"What do you need?"

"I wanted to know what I should wear to the wedding."

"Oh, well, we have green and purple and silver as the colors."

Dumbledore smiled softly, "Ah, yes, those are lovely together. Thank you." Severus continued to the doorway, "I know you lied earlier."

"Excuse me, Sir?"

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