Chapter 61

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Severus and Amilia hardly saw each other in the weeks leading up to testing. Severus had spent his time reviewing what was necessary for the students, upon Amilia's suggestion. Amilia was bombarded with students; her door was always opening and closing when she did not have a class. Some of her remedial students required tutoring, and others just wanted a warm and familiar place to study. Those who were not in her classes pestered her with questions; others only wanted to chat with her about her upcoming wedding. She was incredibly overwhelmed.

They could only see each other at meals; Minerva made sure that Amilia at dinner in the Great Hall. "Are you all right? You look flustered." Severus said quietly, leaning to his side so that their conversation could be as private as possible.

Amilia exhaled heavily, "I am exhausted. If students who did not need to be in my room left me alone, then I would have more time for myself. And for you." She weakly winked at him. Her feet were hurting her, and she longed for bed.

"If they are not there for your assistance, kick them out." He replied coldly. "You only have one more day of this, and then no one can bother you because they will be in their common rooms."

"Thank the gods." She muttered. The platters and serving bowls before them filled, and she greedily scooped mashed potatoes and roast onto her plate.

"Careful, Miss Hubbard! Don't wantcha to not fit into your dress!"

All the staff's heads snapped up, their eyes throwing daggers at a seventh year in Hufflepuff. The girl sneered at Amilia, not realizing that she had drawn everyone's attention to her. Amilia recognized her; she was one of Ritchie's friends. She knew some of them were still bitter about the whole incident.

"Detention," Dumbledore said calmly.

"I'm sorry, what?" The girl stood up; her hands crossed over her chest.

Dumbledore stood as well, "You heard me. Detention. No one will mistreat my staff." The girl huffed and puffed as she sat back down. Turning to the couple, "You two must be exhausted. Sometime next week, take an evening for yourselves and enjoy a nice meal. Just let me know which day works best for you."

Severus and Amilia nodded and went back to their conversation. "As I was saying, ask them when they come in if it does not pertain to a lesson or something you can help them with, tell them to leave," Severus mumbled around a mouthful of corn.

"I just do not like turning students away."

"I understand, but you need to prioritize. You could always do a sign-in sheet or have the students sign up for times outside of class periods."

Amilia looked at him, surprised. "That is a wonderfully useful idea, though I suppose it is a little late to implement that."

He smirked at her, "I do have good ideas once in a while." Amilia patted his arm, smiling at him.

Testing week had come, students had bombarded both of their offices over the weekend. Students left angry when Amilia refused to talk to them about anything unrelated to testing materials. She spent quite a bit of time with Stannard. He required extra time due to his dwindling health. She had stayed late in the Hospital wing that Saturday. Severus had surprised her around eleven that night with a tin of crystalized pineapple pieces and bottled butterbeer. He had brought extra for the young boy, and the three of them sat together in front of the large fireplace, sipping it contently. Stannard had chatted away excitedly, his parents moved around a few appointments to attend the ceremony, but as soon as it was done, he would have to leave. Severus paid no mind to the conversation, but Amilia could not help but wipe away a few tears.

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