5. Working Together

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"I don't think it's necessary for us to hire so many models. Why can't we have a model put on two outfits? " I asked Levi. We were sitting in his office and were looking at the budget for the collection. Turns out the cost was higher than anticipated so we were looking for a place to cut cost.

"At the end of the show the models do one final round with all the clothes on, I can't have any missing brat. " he glared at me.

"I know that, but why can't you have the most important pieces shown? There will be many pieces and it will take a long time if all of them are shown. So why not show the most important pieces and that way they can leave a lasting impression. " and by most important I mean expensive.

He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"I need something to eat, why don't you order something and we can discuss this more calmly? " he seemed very tired.

"Of course, can I ask something? " he nodded. "Did you go home today? "

He shook his head.

"No. Now order something for us to eat. " he said and stood up.

He went to the bathroom in his office and I called the reception. We've been looking at numbers for four hours, it's now nine o'clock. After I was finished with the order I closed the phone and leaned back on the chair.

Levi came out of the bathroom and sat on his chair. He rubbed his eyes and started working again at his computer.

"Maybe you should stop. " he looked at me. "Take a break. "

"I'll take a break when the food comes. " he kept tipping.

"That will take thirty minutes. " he groaned and ignored me. "You know looking at a screen for so long is not good for your eyes. "

"Tch, what are you? My mom? "

"No but I am A mom, so stop before I make you. "

"This is important (Y/N), leave me alone. " he still kept tipping.

"You said it yourself, we need a break, take one and you'll be able to think more clearly about a solution. " he still ignored me.

I extended my hand and turned off the screen, nothing was lost though, it was just the screen. He looked at me ready to kill me.

"I care about my bosses health, you need a small break and because I know people like you I know you will spend most of the night working instead of sleeping, so take a one hour break and we can start working again later. " I crossed my hands.

He sighed and leaned back on his chair.

"Talk to me like this again and you won't have a job the next day. " he looked at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, sir. " he didn't even nod, he just ignored me.

We stayed silent for a few minutes, just relaxing in the comfortable silence. Until my phone went off and I grabbed it, he didn't seemed bothered by it. I saw who was calling me and smiled.

"Hey baby. " I said with a smile. That caught Levi's attention.

"Hi mom, where are you? " Miles asked from the other side of the phone.

"I'm still at the office, I'll be home at eleven. "

"... Can't you come sooner...? " he sounded really sad and it broke my heart. He was home alone.

"No, unfortunately I can't. " I looked down.

"... Mommy? I heard a strange sound coming from your room... " it sounded like he was ready to cry.

The Secretary. {Levi x Reader} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now