29. Our Past

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"So, what do you want to know? " Levi asked as he placed a glass of wine in front of me and he sat down with his own alcohol of choice in hand. Whisky.

"First I want to know why was a baby alone at home when I came. If I hadn't come she'd be alone for hours, what the hell were you thinking? " I glared at him. Anyone could tell how angry I was by the tone of my voice.

"I didn't know she was alone. " he sighed. "Yesterday I called Hange to come and stay with her for the night before the babysitter left. Today at ten the babysitter was supposed to come and look after her for the whole day and she and Hange sent me a message at ten saying that she was home. Every time I go in a meeting I leave my phone either in the office or the car and out of habit I left it when I went in the meeting. When I came out at eight I saw the message from the babysitter saying she'd leave Amy because she had "something " to do. Trust me I freaked out when I saw it. I can't thank you enough. " he sipped his drink not looking at me, probably out of shame.

"Don't do that again, look at me, I bring the phone into meetings in case something happens to Miles and I did that before we got together. What if something bad happened or what if I never came here? " I crossed my arms.

"I know... I know, again, thank you. " he nodded still not looking at me.

"So, Amy is her name, right? " I also drank because lord knows I'll need it.

"Yeah, that's her name."

"Is she your daughter? " I finally asked the question and he flinched.

"Yeah, she is. "

I nodded my head multiple times and stood up. I took a deep breath and placed my hand over my eyes. Why am I only learning this now?

"And why exactly didn't you tell me? " I didn't look back at him.

"I was going to tell you, tonight. "

"I don't care when you were going to tell me! Why didn't you tell me the night you asked me to be with you? "

"I was planning to tell you then, but you said it would be temporary and if you wanted to end things you didn't need to know. "

"Don't you think I should know about it so I could make a final decision? And what harm would do to just tell me? " I finally turned to look at him.

"I don't want people in the office to know about my personal life and if you ended it you'd be just another employee. I didn't want you to know if that was the case. "

"Only even if I ended it I wouldn't be just another employee, or have you slept with over two hundred and fifty people that work for you? "

"Watch it (Y/N), don't talk to me like that. " he glared at me and I walked up to him with my arms crossed.

"Or what? What will you do? And in case you haven't read the room I'm the only one allowed to be mad tonight!" I returned his glare and he looked down nodding.

"You're right, I'm sorry, I don't know why I said that." he took another sip.

"Pride is a weird thing. " I grabbed my own glass to drink. "So, what about her mother?" I turned my back to him again choosing to look over the city from the balcony.

"She died. "

"Were you married? " my voice was cold.

"No." I heard the chair being pulled back and he came next to me. "Let's go outside to talk, we might wake her." he opened the balcony door and walked out and I nodded, he was right, I don't need her to wake up.

The Secretary. {Levi x Reader} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now