14. Opinion

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Fourth day working without Levi here. It was kinda nice to not have to worry about him sneaking out of his office and just walk around the place or have something be done that would make him mad. Not having the pressure of him being here was nice.

Not that Levi is a bad boss, far from it. But he's still the boss and you can't help but get nervous when you see him. I don't know exactly why he left, he just told me that it was for personal reasons, which is fine it's just strange that he would leave now just a few weeks away from the show.

I guess he just wasn't feeling well.

I was in the meeting room waiting for Hange and Marco to come. With Levi gone Hange was in control of the production with Erwin and Mike busy with other stuff, so we would go through the final designs and fabrics for the last time before we started making them for the runaway.

Being the first one in meeting room was nothing new but I'll admit, not having Levi here feels uncomfortable. It's been what, two, three weeks since I started working here and this is the first time where I have to attend a meeting on my own. We go hand in hand and I feel kinda lost and scared that I will screw something up.

The door opened and Hange came in with a wide smile, as always.

"Hello (Y/N)." she sat on her chair.

"Hello, how are you? "

"I'm good, happy shorty is not here to be a pain and I'm free to just do my job. We needed a break from the little guy, don't you agree? " she stretched her arms above her head.

I laughed nervously and nodded.

"I guess. " maybe I'm the only one that would rather him be here.

"It's okay if you don't agree, not everyone has the same opinion. "

"It's not that, I simply got used to him I guess. And I'm not really comfortable with working without him yet. " she nodded.

"That makes sense, but don't worry he will be back in a few days. " I nodded. "Tell me something, and be honest, don't worry. What do you think of him? "

"I think he's a good boss and more understanding then others. He looks like a good man that cares a lot about his work. "

"No, I mean about him as a man, what do you think of him? " she leaned on the table and I looked at her confused.

"What does it matter? "

"It doesn't, I'm just curious. I've been his friend for so long that he kinda just looks like a sibling to me and I want to hear how others view him. " I shrugged my shoulders.

"He is attractive, I'll give him that but I haven't really talked to him outside work all that much to form a good view of his character. "

"Come on, give me something more. "

"I don't know what else to tell you really. I think he is a good looking man that cares about his work. That's it. " she nodded.

"Yeah, you are right. " she sighed.

"Why do you ask? " I asked seriously curious.

"I guess a part of me wants to get to know him again. There's something exciting about meeting new people and since I can't meet him for the first time again I just ask what others think of him. It's just something stupid that I do. " the door opened and in came Marco.

"What are you two crazy girls talking about? " he sat next to Hange.

"Your boss." she replied.

"Oh, what about him? "

"We are just talking about her opinion on the guy, nothing special. "

"Hmm, he's a mysterious sexy man, obviously she's going to be attracted to him. " he confidently said.

"I'm not. " I defended.

"Not yet. Don't worry even if you do, even Sasha used to have a crush on him. But anyway enough of talking about him, let's talk about my creations! " he smiled and I opened the folder glad that the attention was no longer on me and my opinion about my boss.


"Miles! Come here! " I laughed and chased after the little guy.

It was Sunday and that meant two things, one Levi was coming back tomorrow and two it was my day off. Even though he was coming back tomorrow he would come to work the day after, which is understandable. But more importantly Miles was running around Sophias back yard with a few water balloons in his hands laughing.

I was wet from top to bottom with a water gun in my hands. Liam was hiding somewhere and Miles was looking for the remaining water gun while he was holding only the "grenades" as a weapon. It was a hot day so we decided to have a some fun. It's weird how just last week I was wearing a coat and now it's hot enough to play with water like this. There was no transition, it was just bam! It's summer.

Sophia came through the balcony door with my phone in her hands saying that someone was calling me. I placed my gun down and went to her only to regret it immediately when I saw Miles taking it. I rolled my eyes and answered the phone, an all too familiar voice greeting me.

"Hey brat. " he said.

"Hello sir, how are you doing? Feeling better? " I asked and felt water splash on my back that made me gasp. I looked back only to see Miles laughing and running away.

"Are you okay? "

"Yeah, it's just Miles. "

"Oh, how is your brat doing?"

"Fine, he's running around with a water gun. " I smiled seeing both him and Liam aiming at each other.

"Oh, alright. Anyway as you know I'm coming back tomorrow. I want you to arrange a meeting with the bank for the day after, I noticed that something is not right with the numbers. "

"I will sir... But please do try and relax on your last day there and not think about work. " I said thinking back to how he sounded the day he left. Even though he was fine the previous day that day he sounded like a different person.

"I'm doing fine brat, Erwin just sent me something asking to look into it because he wasn't sure. Either way just make sure I'll meet up with them in two days. "

"Yes sir. " I said and he hung up.

I threw my phone on the couch and went back outside ready to look for the missing gun and avoid the water balloons thrown by my son who was happily laughing.




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