28. Amy

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I looked around me to see if the sound was coming from anywhere else but no, it was definitely coming from inside Levi's house. Is he home and is just watching a movie? Because that's the only way it makes sense but the sound was too loud to be that. 

I pushed the key inside and turned it and opened the door. The sound only became louder when I did but when I looked inside I was... Surprised and a little shocked at what I saw. 

Right in the middle of the living room, on the floor between the couch and the dining table, surrounded by a few little toys sat a baby. She was holding on to her small dress and she was crying her eyes out, very loudly might I say. She was screaming while crying, her face was red and I quickly went inside and closed the door behind me to not alert any neighbors. 

I placed the keys on the cabinet next to the door and quickly took off my shoes. The baby stopped crying for a split second and I looked up to see that she was was looking at me. I smiled and slowly made my way to the stairs only she started crying even louder and turned the other way to crawl away from me. 

That's understandable she doesn't know me. And I could already tell she needed to change her dipper because it smelled like shit in here. 

I was thinking of what's the best way to approach her when I suddenly stopped before I made it down the two steps. She was now under a chair crying looking at me. But that didn't bother me, what bothered me was why is she crying all alone and there isn't anyone here with her? 

"Levi?! " I yelled so my voice could be heard over her crying. 

I looked in the kitchen first hoping that he was making her milk maybe but there was no one there. I quickly looked in the bedroom and threw his clothes on top of the bed. I looked at the bathroom in the bedroom and in his small cleaning room next to the closet. I was surprised to see his desk in the very small room but that only raised the question why was his desk in here and not in the next room where his office was. 

So I went and looked in the ex office room only in there now I saw a baby crib and a changing table. That's it, the room was still white and really didn't look like how a baby room should but the bed answered one thing. She was living here, the baby is not here for a day or two, she lives here or else there wouldn't be a bed. 

Is that why Levi didn't want me to come over? 

"Levi?! " I asked again and I looked in the bathroom and the guest room but they were both empty. "Is anyone in here!? " I could still hear her crying, she was very loud. 

No one answered. And that's the part where my shock and curiosity started to get replaced by anger. Why the hell is a baby alone in here?! 

I went back to the living room and saw her still under the chair moving back and forth crying. She was staring to lose her breaths from all the loud crying so she was getting tired. I slowly walked up to her smiling hoping it would calm her down. 

"Hello. " I said as softly as I could and she kept crying and again moved away from me. I knew she was scared but I didn't have a choice, I needed to get close to her. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. "

"D-Dada! Dada!!! " she screamed, like my ears hurt from how loud that was. "Mmmm... " she crawled behind the table. 

Okay she wants her dad. Now I'm going to make a wild guess and assume that Levi is not some uncle.

"I might know your dad, it's okay. " I tried again, I highly doubt she could understand me. 

"Dada!!!!! " she screamed again and cried more. Poor thing. 

The Secretary. {Levi x Reader} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now