26. Our Night

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It's been six days since Levi came back. We haven't really been together outside of work but that's not what's bothering me. Like, in the slightest. What's bothering me is that he's been acting... Off since he came back. Yes he is still your typical Levi that's cold to everyone and once you see him you change direction praying he didn't see you but there is one change on him that almost everyone has noticed. 

He is tired. 

Well he always is because of his insomnia but not nearly to the extent he's been since he came back. Yesterday he came in to work and his hair was a mess, the dark circles under his eyes are worse than I have ever seen them and he looses his focus easily. At this point I'm worried about him driving with how much he spaces out. 

The only other time I've seen him like this is when we spend the night together and he doesn't sleep and comes straight to work. But even then it's not as bad. It's like he hasn't slept in days. I'm genuinely worried about him... 

"So the deal they offered u-" I looked up from the folders to look at Levi. 

Only the sight shocked me. He was sleeping. His head was leaning back on the chair and his arms were on top of the desk. His mouth was almost fully open and there were little, tiny snores coming out of him. Just how tired is he to fall asleep like that in the office of all places? 

I stood up as quietly as I could and went out. I was lucky that the topic I was discussing with him I could also discuss with Erwin. But since it was a big deal for expanding to Asia I thought I should discuss it first with Levi then Erwin since Levi would be the one to make the final decision. 

I didn't expect him to fall asleep only five minutes in.

Coming out of the office I was surprised to see Hange. Since Levi came back some days she is here some days she is not. But either way I was glad she showed up today. It might be nearly six in the evening but she is here now. 

"Hey, Hange? " 

"Oh, hey (Y/N), are you done with Levi? " 

"Something like that. " I took a deep breath. "He fell asleep. "

"He did what? " she gasped. 

"Yeah. So I want you to do me a favor and not let anyone in his office until he wakes up and take his calls. If he fell asleep he must be really tired so let him sleep for as long as he can. "

"Already on it. Don't worry. " she smiled. 

"Okay, thank you. And please call Erwin and tell him I'm going to see him for the deal in Asia. "

"Okay. " she nodded and picked up the phone and I started walking to go to the upper floor. 

The only thing I couldn't understand was that even if Levi's insomnia was so bad he couldn't sleep for days he'd take a pill. He doesn't like taking them but he wouldn't let his body reach the point of passing out like that. Strange. 


I knocked on the door and went in without waiting for Levi's permission. He slept for almost five hours so he should be good. We were the only ones in the building because it was almost eleven and I came to see if he needed anything else from me only I saw him typing on the computer. 

"Levi? Really? Stop working it's late. " I threw my bag on a chair and went behind him. 

I didn't even mention the fact that he was working on a computer with all the lights closed. The only light came from the computer screen and the moonlight. He would most definitely need glasses soon. 

The Secretary. {Levi x Reader} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now