Special Chapter (7/10)

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"Come on Izzy, don't cry." big bro ruffled my hair.

"B-but... You're going away... " I sniffled.

"My house is just three hours away if dad or mom drives you. And it will be just for a few years."

"No! " I hugged him. "Don't leave."

"I have to go to college Izzy. I'm sorry." he hugged me back. "I'll come and visit often, it's really not that far away."

"Three hours is really far away!"

"It's really not." he picked me up and stood up. "Come on, let's go downstairs." he walked out of my room and went down.

Mommy was standing by the door with Farlan and he walked up to her. He placed me down and hugged mommy.

"Be careful, okay?" she said.

"Yes mom, it's not like I'm changing countries."

"I know but this is collage we are talking about. And you know... I am worried about... Other things." they pulled apart.

"I'm doing better, I promise you it will be okay. Plus Leo will be living with me, I'm sure he will be informing you about everything."

"Of course he will be or else I will cut his legs." they chuckled. "Be careful, okay? I can't believe I'm saying this but be careful who you hang out with."

"I know mom, I promise." he smiled and turned to us.

Amy was behind us with her arms crossed and he hugged her saying something to her. He then hugged Farlan and kissed him. He looked at me again and went to hug me but dad spoke.

"Come on brat, we still have to pick up Leo."

"Yeah, I'm coming." he kissed my forehead and stood up.

"Be careful!" mom said again. "And if you ever need anything call me immediately."

"Relax mom, I'm pretty sure I'm old enough to handle everything by myself."


"Yes, hi mom, how do I do the laundry?" big bro asked on the phone.

He had the camera on. He left one week ago and I don't like it.

"You press the same buttons as last time."

"What buttons? "

"Are you actually kidding me? Miles, I... Show me the washer." mommy rubbed her eyes.

"Mommy are you okay?"

"Yes Izzy, I'm fine." she smiled and ruffled my hair.

"I'm not asking for something weird mom, stop being a drama queen like your husband."

"You have called me to tell you how to operate the microwave!"

"It's not my fault everything here is different than the house! I know how to handle the washer home, not here. Here it has some weird buttons... "

"Maybe I should send your dad over for a week."

"Please don't, he'll kill me if he sees in what state his house is in."

"What was that brat? " daddy asked from the kitchen.

"What was what? " Miles asked and mom chuckled.

"I'm coming over right now." dad said.

"Don't! I promise it's fine, it was a joke! I learned from the best how to clean."

The Secretary. {Levi x Reader} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now