12. Coffee

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Me, Levi and Hange sat down at a table outside a cafeteria. It was around six o'clock and the sun was setting making the place look orange. The weather was good though. Hange took off her coat and me and Levi did the same.

"So, " Hange started. "(Y/N), tell me what you think about shorty over here. " she said excitedly.

"What I think about him? " I asked unsure. What was she expecting me to say?

"Yep. Give me some blackmail material. You must have something. "I rolled my eyes.

"Sorry but I don't have anything. " I smiled.

"Not only that but you have plenty of blackmail material already four eyes." Levi stood up. "What do you want? " he looked at both of us.

"My usual coffee. " said Hange and laid back.

"I'll just have tea, thanks. " he nodded and left and Hange turned to me.

"Seriously do you have anything I can use against him? " I seriously thought the smile would break her face.

"No, I don't. It's not like I've been working for him for so long. And even if I knew I wouldn't tell you, I'd like to keep my job. "

"Oh come on. I promise it'll be fine. Plus I doubt he will fire you, unless you do something to really piss him off, but I've been his friend for twenty years so I've trained him to have nerves of steel. " she leaned on the table. "If you really are planning to stay then trust me he will have you as his secretary until the age of eighty. "

"You've been friends for so long? " I asked shocked not finding interested in her other comment.

"Oh yeah. We met at school. You should've seen him, he was still fourteen when we met because of when his birthday is, he was sitting in a corner alone and me and Erwin became his friends. "

"So you three have been friends since then. " I guess that explains why he allowed that chaos to take place today.

"Yep, and later in college we met Mike. " she smiled.

"Why are you telling me this? " Levi sat down on his chair.

"Whatever she's telling you it's just fart air coming out of her mouth. Don't pay attention." he brought out his phone to check something.

"Oh come on Levyyyyyyy. I was just telling her how we met. " she pouted.

"Don't call me that. " he kept looking at his phone.

"Anyway, why are you asking why I'm telling you this (Y/N)?" she leaned her head on one hand.

"Because it's personal information? I don't think my boss would be comfortable with me knowing so much about him. " and with that she laughed.

"Oh God you are a gem. " she said while still laughing and Levi looked at me with his phone still up. "Keep her Levi. " she kept laughing.

"Why is she laughing like that? " I asked Levi.

"Because all the previous ones tried to get as much information as they could about me and you are, in a way, rejecting it. You are acting professionaly and somewhere in her crazy head she finds it funny. " he said and smacked her head. Not hard enough to hurt her though.

"How can I not find it funny? You have a secretary that cares about her job and not you. That's the first one in the last five years! " she fixed her hair.

"There's no way. " I said and they looked at me. "I don't believe that in five years there hasn't been a single one that wasn't good enough. "

"Oh they were good enough. But you see my dear (Y/N), when your boss is known as a fuck boy-"

The Secretary. {Levi x Reader} (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now