33. Big Brother?

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Another Sunday and I'm a happy boy. A happy boy because my little girl is happy not crying for once. She was walking around in her walker but that did pose a small problem. I was in the mood to work out but I couldn't because she would bump into me. It was really hot today, or so I heard because I'm not going out today and I've had the AC on since nine. The temperature is not cold so I can only imagine how hot it actually is. In a way I was matching my daughter today because I was shirtless with shorts on and she was only in her diaper.

I went up to her and lifted her off the walker. I could put her in the playground but she's been in there all day and I don't want to.

"You are a mess child. " I booped her nose. "I gave you that bib an hour ago and it's more wet than the clothes in the washing machine. " she laughed and I shook my head.

I changed her bib and it was time to start working out with my daughter. I put her on the ground and went over her to do push ups. Every time I go down I either blow air in her belly or kiss her. She would just laugh every time. After that I did sit ups. I put her on my knees and every time I went up I'd play peekaboo with her. After that I wanted to lift weights and how was I supposed to do that? The baby became my weights. She was a feather compared to what I usually lift but it was better then nothing and she liked it.

At some point she fell asleep and I took her to her room. I left the door more open then usual so the cool air would go in and I stood in the corridor with a towel in my hand. I was thinking what I should do next when the door opened and I saw (Y/N) come in with Miles. She was dripping with sweat and so was Miles. The moment the cold air hit her she breathed in relief.

"Hi, I hope you don't mind but we are staying here tonight. " she said and I noticed the bag she was carrying.

"Alright? I don't mind but why? " I asked wiping away the sweat off my neck.

"Because it's hot! And you have AC, I don't! Unless you want to pick up my melted flesh you'll let me stay! " she said dramatically.

"Alright then. " I nodded and went to give her a kiss but she moved away from me.

"No no no no! Don't touch me! You were working out and you are warm, don't touch me. " she sighed and sat on the couch.

I immediately cringed.

"Don't sit on the couch! Go take a shower, you too Miles. " I said looking at them both.

"Now?" Miles asked.

"Yes, now, come on, I'll show you. " I said and took Miles hand to show him the main bathroom.

I knew the brat could shower alone, I taught him how because his mom certainly didn't. The brat was almost six, give me a break.

"Wait! " said (Y/N) and opened the bag. "Here. " she gave me a change of clothes for the brat and we went in the bathroom.

I showed him how to use the shower and left him to wash himself. When I came back out I went up to my brat.

"You too miss, you need a shower. " I said quietly for Amy's sake. We were next to her room.

"And I take it you'll join me? " she asked caressing my neck.

"Well I can't stay like this now can I? And your brat will be in there for a while." I kissed her.

I wasn't sure if things would go further but I did want to shower with her.

"Let's go then. "


I sat on the couch with (Y/N) next to me. Miles was sitting next to her and he was talking to her, he probably thought I couldn't listen to him but I could.

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