46.5. Hey, Mom

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This chapter was going to be something else but I couldn't finish it so here's another filler chapter. I'm sorry.

Important note at the end of the chapter, that's why this chapter was made for really. For the note. Enjoy.



"Hey, mom. "

"Yes Miles?"

"Did you know that every sixty seconds in Africa a minute passes?"







"No Miles, I had no idea. "

"It's true and it's a problem that we all need to work together to stop. "

"Why is it a problem? "

"Because a minute passes in Africa every sixty seconds. "

"Do you think that it's possible for an hour to pass every sixty minutes as well? "

"Oh My God! I didn't think of that."

"Hmm, and what about a year? What if every 365 days a year passes? "

"Hmm, yes mom. We have to do something! "

"Hmm, and water is made out of water. "

"Don't you mean 'hmm, the floor is made out of floor?' "

I'm convinced that either the government really sprays us with something or they throw something in the water supply.


"Hey mom. "

"Yes Miles? "

"Did you know that you can't move your own teeth? "



"Yes Miles, I do know that. "

"If time is money.. Does that mean that ATM's... Are time machines? ATM, A, Time, Machine. "

"Did Mary let you use Tik Tok?"

"It holds the answers to the universe!"

"It makes children put their lives in danger and apparently helps in killing their brain cells."

"It's just a joke! "

"Now it is a joke but it doesn't take too long for someone to start believing everything they see on the internet."

"I'm not stupid. "

"You are six years old your argument is invalid. "

"What does invalid mean? "

"Oh boy. "


"Hey, mom. "

"Yes Miles? "

"What flavor does water have? "

"Watery flavor. "

"Oh. "

"Oh. "


"Hey Levi. "

"Yes brat?"

"Popcorn is a busted nut. "

"... Yes Miles, yes it is. Don't tell mommy or anyone else about it though, okay? That was a good one kid, high five. "

"Yeah! "


"Hey, mom. "

"Yes Miles? "

"If people say I'm hotter then you, does that mean you are cooler than them? "

"You need time off the internet. "


"Hey, mom. "

"Yes Miles? "

"It can't be stopped, it's unstoppable. "

"What is unstoppable? "

"That which can't be stopped. "






"Levi. "

"Yes? "

"What tea did you give to Miles? "

"I didn't give him any tea. "

"Don't lie to me. "

"It's the truth. "

"It can not be stopped!!! The minutes in Africa keep going!!! "

"Tell me what tea. "

"I didn't give him any tea. "

"In Africa! The minutes pass... EVERY... sixty seconds. "







"It was green tea with honey. "

"Give me the antidote. "

"Actually I think it was coffee that did it. "

"The floor is made out of flo-"


Hello my royal readers. What's up? This is another filler chapter because I want to tell you something. Normally I wouldn't make a whole chapter just to tell you this but, you know.

These days I've noticed that if I update literally a day or even sometimes hours after the chapter goes up I get comments saying 'please update. ' not 'I'm excited for the next chapter.'  but 'please update. 'which I love don't get me wrong. I'm not calling anyone out here, I love seeing those comments because it means that you are excited for the next chapter which means you love this story and you want to see what's next. I love that you love it, I'm honored. And I know that it also happens because I spoiled you with updating almost daily these past two months.

But... I'm tired of writing daily to update. I know I don't have to but every time I see a comment like that I want to write more so I can deliver it to you with just taking a few hours of break in between or if I don't update I keep thinking about it for the rest of the day and you know, that can be tiring too. I keep thinking about it because I see those comments.

Don't worry, I'm not leaving or anything like that and it's not your fault either, like I said I love it. It's just that now I also have some other things I need to do and I want to go a few days without worrying about updating.

So I want to say that I want to take a break for a week, a week of not writing this story so you can expect the next UPDATE in EIGHT or NINE DAYS. I know that it might seem stupid that I'm dedicating so many words just to say "hey, no updates for a week. " but that's not what this is.

Normally even if I don't update for a week (which is rare these days) I still think about it daily from the comments and if I didn't tell you now that I won't update for a week it will still be in my head that I need to update because I DIDN'T tell you. I want to finish the last chapters of Homeless so I can update it daily and finish it and I have other things too but I keep getting distracted by this story.

I'm not burned out, I just don't want to think about this story for a week. That's it. That's what I wanted to tell you, I'm still here. I'm making this clear. Just don't expect the next chapter for a few days okay? 😊.



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