10. Petra Ral

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It was five o'clock and I was waiting for Petra to arrive at any moment. Of course she would accept and come given the history we have but I wasn't sure if she'd want to work for us after what happened with the last collection. My phone rang and I picked it up only to receive word that Petra had arrived and was coming up. I exited my office to greed her the moment she got out of the elevator, I needed to give a good impression.

Before I had the chance to turn and go to the elevator I saw her turning the corner and coming towards me. Wearing a knee length skirt, heels and a shirt that probably costs more than the payment some of my employees get. And behind her the three thirsty dogs of the company. Gunther, Oluo and Eld. Three security guards.

"Miss Ral, you look ravishing. " said Oluo and kissed her hand.

"Save it Oluo, compliments won't get you anywhere. " was her reply as she put her phone in her bag.

"Yes Oluo, show some respect. " said Gunther and pushed Oluo out the way. Eld was the only one that was more composed but the staring was getting annoying.

"Boys. " I raised my voice and all of them looked at me. "Please leave miss Ral alone and return to your posts. " I glared and they all left.

Petra came closer to me.

"Miss Ral? Since when have you been one for formalities? " she smiled.

"Since when do you pick up stray dogs? "

"I did pick one up that I love dearly but I'm afraid these three just followed me around. " the smile never left her face.

"Hmm. Shall we go to my office and talk in private? " I asked and pointed one of my arms to the direction of my office. I didn't need any employees listening to everything I had to say.

She nodded and started walking with me following behind. Once we were inside I closed the door and asked her if she'd like something to drink.

"A glass of red wine would be nice. " she said as she put her bag down and I nodded.

"So how was your trip? " I asked.

"Tiring, but the clothes made up for it." I gave her her glass.

"I'm sure they did. "

"So what did you want to talk about? "

"I was wondering if you could work on the promotion of the next collection. " I said getting straight to the point.

"Really? I hope you understand why I'm skeptical about accepting. " she placed her glass down.

"Of course I do, but I assure you the same thing won't happen again. "

"How can I be sure? After what happened with the last one? If something similar happens it won't only be your name that will be looked down upon but mine as well. I can't risk that. "

"Petra please, I need your help to push this collection or else I'm screwed, literally. You know I need your help. "

She took a deep breath.

"Who will you be working with? Because if I hear the name Nile-" I cut her off quickly.

"No, no. You can forget about him, he's completely out of the picture. For this collection I'm working with Pixis." I assured her. Her face lit up at the name.

"Pixis. That's a good name, at least the fabrics will be top quality. " she took a sip and placed her glass down again.

"And if you do agree Mike will have a very close relationship with you to make sure he doesn't do something you don't agree with. " come on Petra, I need you.

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